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J. R. Ledwell, Donoghue, T., Donoghue, J., and Sundermeyer, M., Sampling Cruise 6, North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment, R/V Seward Johnson, Cruise 9404, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 1995.
A. W. Hofmann, Sampling Mantle Heterogeneity through Oceanic Basalts: Isotopes and Trace Elements, in Treatise on Geochemistry, vol. 2.03, H. D. Holland, Ed. Mainz, Germany; Palisades, NY. USE: Max-Plank-Institut fur Chemie; Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, USA, 2004, pp. 61-101.
C. Paull, Sampling the marine gashydrate reservoir: Assessing the methane inventory, internal dynamics, and potential of methane discharges to the atmosphere. Final progress report, California University, Davis, CA, 1993.
R. E. Thresher and Neil, H., Scale dependence of environmental and physiological correlates of δ18O and δ13C in the magnesium calcite skeletons of bamboo corals (Gorgonacea; Isididae), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 187, pp. 260 - 278, 2016.
P. J. van Hengstum, Scott, D. B., Groecke, D. R., and Charette, M. A., Sea level controls sedimentation and environments in coastal caves and sinkholes, Marine Geology, vol. 286, no. 1-4, pp. 35-50, 2011.
E. E. Grossman and Fletcher, C. H., Sea level higher than present 3500 years ago on the northern main Hawaiian Islands, Geology, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 363-366, 1998.
N. McTigue, Davis, J., Rodriguez, A. B., McKee, B., Atencio, A., and Currin, C., Sea Level Rise Explains Changing Carbon Accumulation Rates in a Salt Marsh Over the Past Two Millennia, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 124, no. 10, pp. 2945 - 2957, 2019.
E. Thomas and Varekamp, J. C., Sea level rise in Long Island Sound over the last millennium, in Long Island Sound/NEERS Research Conference AGU Fall meeting, Groton, CT San Francisco, CA, 2002.
T. M. Cronin, N. Edgar, T., Brooks, G., Hastings, D., Larson, R., Hine, A., Locker, S., Suthard, B., Flower, B., Hollander, D., Wehmiller, J., Willard, D. A., and Smith, S., Sea level rise in Tampa Bay, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 88, no. 10, pp. 117-118, 2007.
L. Max, Riethdorf, J. - R., Tiedemann, R., Smirnova, M., Lembke-Jene, L., Fahl, K., ürnberg, D., Matul, A., and Mollenhauer, G., Sea surface temperature variability and sea-ice extent in the subarctic northwest Pacific during the past 15,000 years, Paleoceanography, vol. 27, no. 3, p. n/a - n/a, 2012.
K. Pahnke and Sachs, J. P., Sea surface temperatures of southern middle-latitudes 0-160 by BP, Paleoceanography, vol. 21, 2006.
C. M. G. McHugh, Braudy, N., M. Çağatay, N., Sorlien, C., Cormier, M. - H., Seeber, L., and Henry, P., Seafloor fault ruptures along the North Anatolia Fault in the Marmara Sea, Turkey: Link with the adjacent basin turbidite record, Marine Geology, vol. 353, pp. 65-83, 2014.
J. E. Conrad, Prouty, N. G., Walton, M. A. L., Kluesner, J. W., Maier, K. L., McGann, M., Brothers, D. S., Roland, E. C., and Dartnell, P., Seafloor fluid seeps on Kimki Ridge, offshore southern California: Links to active strike-slip faulting, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 150, pp. 82 - 91, 2018.
W. R. Normark, Piper, D. J. W., and Sliter, R., Sea-level and tectonic control of middle to late Pleistocene turbidite systems in Santa Monica Basin, offshore California, Sedimentology, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 867-897, 2006.
A. C. Kemp, Horton, B. P., Vane, C. H., Bernhardt, C. E., D. Corbett, R., Engelhart, S. E., Anisfeld, S. C., Parnell, A. C., and Cahill, N., Sea-level change during the last 2500 years in New Jersey, USA, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 81, pp. 90-104, 2013.
M. N. Cagatay, Gorur, N., Polonia, A., Demirbag, E., Sakinc, M., Cormier, M. H., Capotondi, L., McHugh, C., Emre, O., and Eris, K., Sea-level changes and depositional environments in the Izmit Gulf, eastern Marmara Sea, during the late glacial-Holocene period, Marine Geology, vol. 202, no. 3-4, pp. 159-173, 2003.
S. E. Engelhart, Vacchi, M., Horton, B. P., Nelson, A. R., and Kopp, R. E., A sea-level database for the Pacific coast of central North America, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 113, pp. 78 - 92, 2015.
A. R. Simms, Lambeck, K., Purcell, A., Anderson, J. B., and Rodriguez, A. B., Sea-level history of the Gulf of Mexico since the Last Glacial Maximum with implications for the melting history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 26, no. 7-8, pp. 920-940, 2007.
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K. R. Nydick, Bidwell, A. B., Thomas, E., and Varekamp, J. C., A Sea-Level Rise Curve from Guilford, Connecticut, USA, Marine Geology, vol. 124, no. 1-4, pp. 137-159, 1995.
Z. Y. Chen and Stanley, D. J., Sea-level rise on eastern China's Yangtze delta, Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 360-366, 1998.
A. B. Rodriguez and Meyer, C. T., Sea-level variation during the holocene deduced from the morphologic and stratigraphic evolution of Morgan Peninsula, Alabama, USA, Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol. 76, no. 1-2, pp. 257-269, 2006.
W. Broecker and Clark, E., Search for a glacial-age (14)C-depleted ocean reservoir, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 37, pp. L13606-L13606, 2010.
J. M. Erlandson, The search for early shell middens on San Miguel Island, California, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 2001.
