Analysis of piston cores and high-resolution sub-bottom profiler data, Baffin Bay slope, Nunavut

TitleAnalysis of piston cores and high-resolution sub-bottom profiler data, Baffin Bay slope, Nunavut
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsCampbell, DC, Jenner, KA, Higgins, J, Piper, DJW

Preface This Open File report summarizes a set of 20 piston cores, up to 822 cm long, taken from the continental slope of Baffin Bay, Canada, in water depths between 833 and 1715 m. It provides down-core lithostratigraphy, physical properties measurements, core photography and core X-radiography, in addition to high-resolution seismic data over most core sites, selected grain size data and portable X-ray fluorescence data. Preliminary along-slope correlation between cores and AMS radiocarbon ages are also provided. Further information on these cores is available through the Expedition Database at Acknowledgments We thank Dan Meagher, Jesse Sherwin and Meaghan MacQuarrie for assistance with core processing and core logging and Jessica Parkinson and Simon Poirier for core data compilation. Owen Brown completed grain size analyses and Linda Fan assisted with these analyses and plotted the grain size data.We also thank Kate Jarrett for assistance with core subsampling.
