Export 2832 results:
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
M. G. Winkler and Sanford, P. R., Paleoecological research at Isle Royale, Apostle Islands, and Voyageurs National Parks. Report, 1997.
M. G. Winkler, The paleoecology and pH history of Ike Walton Lake and comparison with the recent history of Zee Lake. Report, Lac du Flambeau Water Resources Program Contract #1243, 1996.
M. G. Winkler, Sanford, P. R., and Kaplan, S., Paleoecology of the Everglades National Park. Report, National Park Service, Everglades National Park, Homestead, Florida, 1996.
J. R. Allen and Boothroyd, J., Paleogeography and sedimentary evolution of Nauset Marsh estuary, Cape Cod, MA. Final Report to the National Park Service, 1997.
G. N. McDonald, Hiscock, A. I., and Hylland, M. D., Paleoseismic Investigation of the Levan and Fayette Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Juab and Sanpete Counties, Utah, Utah Geological Survey, 2019.
J. K. Cochran, Hirschberg, D. J., and Amiel, D., Particle mixing and sediment accumulation rates of Peconic Estuary sediments: A sediment accretion study in support of the Peconic Estuary Program (Report), 2000.
K. Cole, Winkler, M. G., and Sanford, P. R., Preliminary paleoecology study of Salt Pond and Nauset Lagoon, Cape Cod National Seashore (Report), National Park Service, North Atlantic Region, 1997.
M. N. Machette, Coates, M. M., and Johnson, M. J., Quaternary geology of the San Luis Basin, southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico--Rocky Mountain Section Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook, 2007.
C. B. Hopkins, Recharge Sources and Residence Times of Groundwater as Determined by Geochemical Tracers in the Mayfield Area, Southwestern Idaho, 2011–12, U.S. Department of the Interior: U.S. Geological Survey, 2013.
M. B. Bush, Listopad, M. C. S., and Silman, M. R., A regional study of Holocene climate change and human occupation in Peruvian Amazonia, 2007.
B. Fitzhugh, Etnier, M., MacInnes, B., Phillips, S. C., and Taylor, J. W., Report of archaeological field research in 2006, including geological descriptions of archaeological locales, 2007.
J. R. Ledwell, Donoghue, T., Donoghue, J., and Sundermeyer, M., Sampling Cruise 6, North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment, R/V Seward Johnson, Cruise 9404, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 1995.
C. Paull, Sampling the marine gashydrate reservoir: Assessing the methane inventory, internal dynamics, and potential of methane discharges to the atmosphere. Final progress report, California University, Davis, CA, 1993.
J. M. Erlandson, The search for early shell middens on San Miguel Island, California, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 2001.
W. Copper, Hsieh, Y. P., Landing, W. M., Proctor, L., Salters, V., and Wang, Y., The speciation and sources of dissolved phosphorus in the Everglades (Report), 1999.
R. P. Moyer and Grottoli, A. G., Stable carbon isotopes in coastal Puerto Rico corals and adjacent natural waters: implications for land-ocean connectivity and land-use history, Honolulu, 2006.
R. P. Moyer and Grottoli, A. G., Stable-and radiocarbon isotopes in corals and adjacent natural waters: reconstructing land-use change and the land-ocean carbon cycle, Santa Fe, NM, 2007.
W. C. Steinkampf, Status of understanding of the saturated-zone ground-water flow system at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as of 1995, Report, 1995.
C. C. Dorion, Balco, G., Kaplan, M. R., Kreutz, K. J., Wright, J., and Borns, H. W., Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, chronology, and paleoenvironment during deglaciation of eastern Maine, Report, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, 2001.
D. L. Toom, Tahuka Site (32SN121) 1998 Archeological Excavations. Anthropology Research, Department of Anthropology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks (Report), Dakotas Area Office, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bismarck, ND, 2002.
G. S. Jacinto, David, L. T., Peleo-Alampay, A. M., San Diego-McGlone, M. L., Siringan, F. P., and Villanoy, C. L., Terminal Report: Nutrient and Carbon Biogeochemistry of the Sulu Sea (Project No. 96/01/CW), Southeast Asia Regional Committee for START (SARCS), 2009.
L. F. Metzger, Izbicki, J. A., and Nawikas, J. M., Test Drilling and Data Collection in the Calaveras County Portion of the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Subbasin, California , December 2009 – June 2011, U.S. Department of the Interior: U.S. Geological Survey, 2012.
R. M. Key and Quay, P. D., U. S. WOCE Indian Ocean survey: Final report for radiocarbon, Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report #902-1, 2002.
R. Hard and Roney, J., Una Investigacion Arqueologica de los Sitios Cerros con Trincheras del Arcaico Tardio en Chihuahua, Mexico: Las Investigaciones de Campo de 1997, University of Texas, Center for Archaeological Research, 1998.
J. Fisher, Cole, K. L., and Anderson, R. S., Using packrat middens to assess how grazing influences vegetation change in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah, 2006.
