Export 2832 results:
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
S. M. Baker and Wilson, C. A., Use of bomb produced C-14 to validate otolith section age estimates of red snapper Lutjanus compechanus from the northern Gulf of Mexico, Artwork. 53rd Annual Gulf and Carribbean Fisheries Institute Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 2000.
K. L. Jackson, Amelung, F., Andres, M. S., Eberli, G. P., Jayasena, H. A. H., and Kehelpannala, K. V. W., Tsunami sediemnts in coastal lagoons, Sri Lanka: implications for paleotsunamis. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs, Houston, TX, 2006.
T. Pease and Wakeham, S., Trophic Transfer of Anthropogenic Contaminants to Salt-Marsh Bacteria: A Molecular Radiocarbon Approach (Poster). Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, GA 31411, 2000.
K. L. Jackson, Rankey, E. C., Eberli, G. P., Amelung, F., Andres, M. S., Peterson, L. C., Swart, P. K., Jayasena, H. A. H., and Kehelpannala, K. V. W., Paleotsunami deposits in coastal lagoons, Sri Lanka: Are tsunamis always sedimentologically important events?. EOS Trans. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstracts, 2006.
K. L. Jackson, Rankey, E. C., Eberli, G. P., Amelung, F., Andres, M. S., Peterson, L. P., Swart, P. K., Jayasena, H. A. H., and Kehelpannala, K. V. W., Are tsunamis always sedimentologically important events? A case study of sedimentological and geochemical analyses of coastal lagoons, Sri Lanka. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs, Long Beach, CA, 2007.
