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Journal Article
Xu Z, Li T, Clift PD, Wan S, Lim D, Chang F, Sun R.  2019.  Sea-level, monsoonal, and anthropogenic impacts on the millennial-scale variability of siliciclastic sediment input into the western Philippine sea since 27 ka. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 177:250-262.
Xiong Z, Li T, Chang F, Algeo TJ, Clift PD, Bretschneider L, Lu Z, Zhu X, Frank M, Sauer PE et al..  2018.  Rapid precipitation changes in the tropical West Pacific linked to North Atlantic climate forcing during the last deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews. 197:288-306.
Alizai A, Clift PD, Giosan L, VanLaningham S, Hinton R, Tabrez AR, Danish M.  2011.  Pb isotopic variability in the modern-Pleistocene Indus River system measured by ion microprobe in detrital K-feldspar grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75(17):4771-4795.
Giosan L, Naing T, Tun MMin, Clift PD, Filip F, Constantinescu S, Khonde N, Blusztajn J, Buylaert J-P, Stevens T et al..  2018.  On the Holocene evolution of the Ayeyawady megadelta. Earth Surface Dynamics. 6(2):451-466.
Alizai A, Hillier S, Clift PD, Giosan L, Hurst A, VanLaningham S, Macklin M.  2012.  Clay mineral variations in Holocene terrestrial sediments from the Indus Basin. Quaternary Research. 77(3):368-381.
Limmer DR, Köhler CM, Hillier S, Moreton SG, Tabrez AR, Clift PD.  2012.  Chemical weathering and provenance evolution of Holocene–Recent sediments from the Western Indus Shelf, Northern Arabian Sea inferred from physical and mineralogical properties. Marine Geology. 326–328:101-115.
Xu Z, Li T, Clift PD, Wan S, Qiu X, Lim D.  2018.  Bathyal records of enhanced silicate erosion and weathering on the exposed Luzon shelf during glacial lowstands and their significance for atmospheric CO2 sink. Chemical Geology. 476:302-315.
Li Y, Clift PD, Murray RW, Exnicios E, Ireland T, Böning P.  2020.  Asian summer monsoon influence on chemical weathering and sediment provenance determined by clay mineral analysis from the Indus Submarine Canyon. Quaternary Research. 93:23-39.