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J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Curry, W. B., and Slowey, N., Weaker Gulf Stream in the Florida straits during the last glacial maximum, Nature, vol. 402, no. 6762, pp. 644-648, 1999.
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Curry, W. B., and Lund, D. C., Florida Straits density structure and transport over the last 8,000 years, Paleoceanography, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 3209, 2009.
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Curry, W. B., and Slowey, N. C., The overturning circulation of the glacial Atlantic: A view from the top, in Sixth International Conference on Paleoceanography, 1999.
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Adkins, J. F., Curry, W. B., Dokken, T., Hall, I. R., Herguera, J. C., Hirschi, J. J. M., Ivanova, E. V., Kissel, C., Marchal, O., Marchitto, T. M., McCave, I. N., McManus, J. F., Mulitza, S., Ninnemann, U., Peeters, F., Yu, E. F., and Zahn, R., Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum, Science, vol. 316, no. 5821, pp. 66-69, 2007.
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Curry, W. B., Oppo, D. W., Ninneman, U. S., Charles, C. D., and Munson, J., Meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic at the last glacial maximum, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 7, 2006.
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Curry, W. B., and Slowey, N., A geostrophic transport estimate for the Florida Current from the oxygen isotope composition of benthic foraminifera, Paleoceanography, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 360-373, 1999.