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Journal Article
Reddy C.M, Eglinton T.I, Hounshell A., White H.K, Xu L., Gaines R.B, Frysinger G.S.  2002.  The West Falmouth oil spill after thirty years: the persistence of petroleum hydrocarbons in marsh sediments. Environ Sci Technol. 36(22):4754-60.
Reddy C.M, Xu L., O'Connor R..  2003.  Using radiocarbon to apportion sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in household soot. Environmental Forensics. 4(3):191-197.
Arey J.S, Nelson R.K, Xu L., Reddy C.M.  2005.  Using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography retention indices to estimate environmental partitioning properties for a complete set of diesel fuel hydrocarbons. Analytical Chemistry. 77(22):7172-7182.
Teuten E.L, Xu L., Reddy C.M.  2005.  Two abundant bioaccumulated halogenated compounds are natural products. Science. 307(5711):917-20.
Nelson R.K, Kile B.M, Plata D.L, Sylva S.P, Xu L., Reddy C.M, Gaines R.B, Frysinger G.S, Reichenbach S.E.  2006.  Tracking the weathering of an oil spill with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. Environmental Forensics. 7(1):33-44.
Reddy C.M, Heraty L.J, Holt B.D, Sturchio N.C, Eglinton T.I, Drenzek N.J, Xu L., Lake J.L, Maruya K.A.  2000.  Stable chlorine isotopic compositions of aroclors and aroclor-contaminated sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 34(13):2866-2870.
Reddy C.M, Xu L., O'Neil G.W, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I, Faulkner D.J, Norstrom R., Ross P.S, Tittlemier S.A.  2004.  Radiocarbon evidence for a naturally-produced, bioaccumulation halogenated organic compound. Environmental Science and Technology. 38(7):1992-1997.
Ohkouchi N., Xu L., Reddy C.M, Montlucon D., Eglinton T.I.  2005.  Radiocarbon dating of alkenones from marine sediments: I. Isolation protocol. Radiocarbon. 47(3):401-412.
Patrut A., von Reden K.F, Pohlman J.W, Wittmann R., Mitchell C.S, Lowy D.A, Alberts A.H, Gerlach D., Xu L..  2007.  Radiocarbon dating of a very large African baobab. Tree Physiology. 27(11):1569-1574.
Reddy C.M, Xu L., Eglinton T.I, Boon J.P, Faulkner D.J.  2002.  Radiocarbon content of synthetic and natural semi-volatile halogenated organic compounds. Environ Pollut. 120(2):163-8.
Bercovici S.K, McNichol A.P, Xu L., Hansell D.A.  2018.  Radiocarbon Content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the South Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(2):872-879.
Reddy C.M, Pearson A., Xu L., McNichol A.P, Benner B.A, Wise S.A, Klouda G.A, Currie L.A, Eglinton T.I.  2002.  Radiocarbon as a tool to apportion the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and black carbon in environmental samples. Environmental Science & Technology. 36(8):1774-1782.
Mandalakis M., Gustafsson O., Reddy C.M, Xu L..  2004.  Radiocarbon apportionment of fossil versus biofuel combustion sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Stockholm metropolitan area. Environ Sci Technol. 38(20):5344-9.
von Reden K., Donoghue J., Elder K., Gagnon A., Gerlach D., Griffin V.S, Healy R., Long P., McNichol A.P, Percy D. et al..  2004.  Plans for Expanded 14C Analyses at the NOSAMS Facility--a status and progress report. 9th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Nagoya, Japan, 9/2002. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B 223-224:50-54.
Xu L., Reddy C.M, Farrington J.W, Frysinger G.S, Gaines R.B, Johnson C.G, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I.  2000.  Identification of a novel alkenone in Black Sea sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 32:633-645.
Xu L., Reddy C.M, Farrington J.W, Frysinger G.S, Gaines R.B, Johnson C.G, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I.  2001.  Identification of a novel alkenone in Black Sea sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 32(5):633-645.
Reddy C.M, Xu L., O'Connor R..  2003.  Heterogeneity in the radiocarbon content of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in household soot. Environmental Forensics. 4:191-197.
Zencak Z., Reddy C.M, Teuten E.L, Xu L., McNichol A.P, Gustafsson O..  2007.  Evaluation of gas chromatographic isotope fractionation and process contamination by carbon in compound-specific radiocarbon analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 79(5):2042-2049.
Reddy C.M, DeMello J.A, Carmichael C.A, Peacock E.E, Xu L., Arey J.S.  2008.  Determination of biodiesel blending percentages using natural abundance radiocarbon analysis: Testing the accuracy of retail biodiesel blends. Environmental Science & Technology. 42(7):2476-2482.
Mandalakis M., Gustafsson O., Alsberg T., Reddy C., Xu L., Klanova J., Holoubek I., Stephanou E..  2005.  Contribution of biomass burning to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in European background aerosols. Environmental Science and Technology. 39(9):2976-2982.
Griffith D.R, McNichol A.P, Xu L., McLaughlin F.A, Macdonald R.W, Brown K.A, Eglinton T.I.  2012.  Carbon dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean: insights from full-depth carbon isotope profiles of DIC, DOC, and POC. Biogeosciences. 9(3):1217-1224.
White H.K, Xu L., Lima A.L, Eglinton T.I, Reddy C.M.  2005.  Abundance, composition, and vertical transport of PAHs in marsh sediments. Environ Sci Technol. 39(21):8273-80.
Hughen K.A, Eglinton T.I, Xu L., Makou M..  2004.  Abrupt tropical vegetation response to rapid climate changes. Science. 304(5679):1955-9.
Roberts M.L, Elder K.L, Jenkins W.J, Gagnon A.R, Xu L., Hlavenka J.D, Longworth B.E.  2019.  14C Blank Corrections for 25–100 μg Samples at the National Ocean Sciences AMS Laboratory. Radiocarbon. 61(5):1403-1411.