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Journal Article
Keigwin L.D, Sachs J.P, Rosenthal Y..  2003.  A 1600-year history of the Labrador Current off Nova Scotia. Climate Dynamics. 21(1):53-62.
Oppo D.W, Rosenthal Y., Linsley B.K.  2009.  2,000-year-long temperature and hydrology reconstructions from the Indo-Pacific warm pool. Nature. 460(7259):1113-1116.
Langton S.J, Linsley B.K, Robinson R.S, Rosenthal Y., Oppo D.W, Eglinton T.I, Howe S.S, Djajadihardja Y.S, Syamsudin F..  2008.  3500 yr record of centennial-scale climate variability from the Western Pacific Warm Pool. Geology. 36(10):795-798.
Keigwin L.D, Sachs J.P, Rosenthal Y., Boyle E.A.  2005.  The 8200 year B. P. event in the slop water system, western sublpolar North Atlantic. Paleoceanography. 20
Rosenthal Y., Oppo D.W, Linsley B.K.  2003.  The amplitude and phasing of climate change during the last deglaciation in the Sulu Sea, western equatorial Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters. 30(8)
Tierney J.E, Oppo D.W, Rosenthal Y., Russell J.M, Linsley B.K.  2010.  Coordinated hydrological regimes in the Indo-Pacific region during the past two millennia. Paleoceanography. 25
Dannenmann S., Linsley B.K, Oppo D.W, Rosenthal Y., Beaufort L..  2003.  East Asian monsoon forcing of suborbital variability in the Sulu Sea during Marine Isotope Stage 3: Link to Northern Hemisphere climate. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 4
Bamberg A., Rosenthal Y., Paul A., Heslop D., Mulitza S., Ruhlemann C., Schulz M..  2010.  Reduced North Atlantic Central Water formation in response to early Holocene ice-sheet melting. Geophysical Research Letters. 37