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Journal Article
J. Bradbury P, Bezrukova YV, Chernyaeva G.P, Colman S.M, Khursevich G., King J.W, Likoshway Y.V.  1994.  A synthesis of post-glacial diatom records from Lake Baikal. Journal of Paleolimnology. 10(3):213-252.
Peck J.A, King J.W, Colman S.M, Kravchinsky V.A.  1994.  A rock-magnetic record from Lake Baikal, Siberia: Evidence for Late Quaternary climate change. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 1222:221-238.
Brooks K., Scholz C.A, King J.W, Peck J., Overpeck J.T, Russell J.M, Amoako P.YO.  2005.  Late-Quaternary lowstands of lake Bosumtwi, Ghana: evidence from high-resolution seismic-reflection and sediment-core data. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 216(3-4):235-249.
Colman S.M, Forester R.M, Reynolds R.L, Sweetkind D.S, King J.W, Gangemi P., Jones G.A, Keigwin L.D, Foster D.S.  1994.  Lake-Level History of Lake-Michigan for the Past 12,000 Years - the Record from Deep Lacustrine Sediments. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 20(1):73-92.
Colman S.M, Karabanov E.B, Williams D.F, Hearn, Jr. P.P, King J.W, Orem W.H, Bradbury J.P, Shanks, III W.C, Jones G.A, Carter S.J.  1992.  Initial Dating and Paleoenvironmental Results From Lake Baikal, Southeastern Siberia. Abstracts With Programs of the American Quaternary Association. xx:66.
Colman S.M, King J.W, Jones G.A, Reynolds R.L, Bothner M.H.  2000.  Holocene and recent rates of sediment accumulation in southern Lake Michigan. Quaternary Science Reviews. 19:1563-1580.
Lima A.L, Hubeny J.B, Reddy C.M, King J.W, Hughen K.A, Eglinton T.I.  2005.  High-resolution historical records from Pettaquamscutt River basin sediments; 2. Chronology and record of 137Cs released by the Chernobyl accident. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 69:1803-1812.
Colman S.M, Peck J.A, B KE, Carter S.J, Bradbury J.P, King J.W, Williams D.F.  1995.  Continental climate response to orbital forcing from biogenic silica records in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Nature. 378:769-771.
Colman S.M, Peck J.A, Hatton J., Karabanov E.B, King J.W.  1999.  Biogenic silica records from the BDP-93 drill site and adjacent areas of the Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology. 21:9-17.
Colman S.M, Jones G.A, Rubin M., King J.W, Peck J.A, Orem W.H.  1996.  AMS radiocarbon analyses from Lake Baikal, Siberia: Challenges of dating sediments from a large, oligotrophic lake. Quaternary Science Reviews. 15(7):669-684.
Peck J.A, King J.W, Colman S.M, Kravchinsky V.A.  1996.  An 84-kyr paleomagnetic record from the sediments of Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. 101(B5):11365-11385.