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Journal Article
Brandon CM, Woodruff JD, D. Lane P, Donnelly JP.  2013.  Tropical cyclone wind speed constraints from resultant storm surge deposition: A 2500 year reconstruction of hurricane activity from St. Marks, FL. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 14(8):2993-3008.
Maio CV, Gontz AM, Sullivan RM, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2014.  Subsurface Evidence of Storm-Driven Breaching along a Transgressing Barrier System, Cape Cod, USA. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH. 32:264-279.
Maio CV, Gontz AM, Sullivan RM, Madsen SM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2016.  Subsurface Evidence of Storm-Driven Breaching along a Transgressing Barrier System, Cape Cod, U.S.A.. Journal of Coastal Research. 318(2):264-279.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Tierney JE.  2016.  South Pacific hydrologic and cyclone variability during the last 3000 years. Paleoceanography. 31(4):491-504.
Hanke UM, Lima-Braun AL, Eglinton TI, Donnelly JP, Galy V, Poussart P, Hughen K, McNichol AP, Xu L, Reddy CM.  2019.  Significance of Perylene for Source Allocation of Terrigenous Organic Matter in Aquatic SedimentsSignificance of Perylene for Source Allocation of Terrigenous Organic Matter in Aquatic Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 53(14):8244-8251.
Gonneea MEagle, Maio CV, Kroeger KD, Hawkes AD, Mora J, Sullivan R, Madsen S, Buzard RM, Cahill N, Donnelly JP.  2019.  Salt marsh ecosystem restructuring enhances elevation resilience and carbon storage during accelerating relative sea-level rise. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 217:56-68.
Newby PE, Shuman BN, Donnelly JP, MacDonald D.  2011.  Repeated century-scale droughts over the past 13,000 yr near the Hudson River watershed, USA. Quaternary Research. 75(3):523-530.
Hawkes AD, Kemp AC, Donnelly JP, Horton BP, W. Peltier R, Cahill N, Hill DF, Ashe E, Alexander CR.  2016.  Relative sea-level change in northeastern Florida (USA) during the last ∼8.0 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews. 142:90-101.
Kemp AC, Hawkes AD, Donnelly JP, Vane CH, Horton BP, Hill TD, Anisfeld SC, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2015.  Relative sea-level change in Connecticut (USA) during the last 2200 yrs. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 428:217-229.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Woodruff JD.  2013.  Reconstructing mid-late Holocene cyclone variability in the Central Pacific using sedimentary records from Tahaa, French Polynesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 77:181-189.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Woodruff JD.  2013.  Reconstructing mid-late Holocene cyclone variability in the Central Pacific using sedimentary records from Tahaa, French Polynesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 77:181-189.
Toomey MR, Curry WB, Donnelly JP, van Hengstum PJ.  2013.  Reconstructing 7000 years of North Atlantic hurricane variability using deep-sea sediment cores from the western Great Bahama Bank. Paleoceanography. 28(1):31-41.
Carruthers EA, D. Lane P, Evans RL, Donnelly JP, Ashton AD.  2013.  Quantifying overwash flux in barrier systems: An example from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. Marine Geology. 343:15-28.
Tamalavage AE, van Hengstum PJ, Louchouarn P, Molodtsov S, Kaiser K, Donnelly JP, Albury NA, Fall PL.  2018.  Organic matter sources and lateral sedimentation in a Bahamian karst basin (sinkhole) over the late Holocene: Influence of local vegetation and climate. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 506:70-83.
Winkler TS, van Hengstum PJ, Donnelly JP, Wallace EJ, D'Entremont N, Hawkes AD, Maio CV, Sullivan RM, Woodruff JD.  2022.  Oceanic passage of hurricanes across Cay Sal Bank in The Bahamas over the last 530 years. Marine Geology. 443:106653.
van Hengstum PJ, Donnelly JP, Kingston AW, Williams BE, Scott DB, Reinhardt EG, Little SN, Patterson WP.  2015.  Low-frequency storminess signal at Bermuda linked to cooling events in the North Atlantic region. Paleoceanography. 30(2):52-76.
Pearl JK, Anchukaitis KJ, Donnelly JP, Pearson C, Pederson N, Gaylord MCLardie, McNichol AP, Cook ER, Zimmermann GL.  2020.  A late Holocene subfossil Atlantic white cedar tree-ring chronology from the northeastern United States. Quaternary Science Reviews. 228:106104.
Kovacs SE, van Hengstum PJ, Reinhardt EG, Donnelly JP, Albury NA.  2013.  Late Holocene sedimentation and hydrologic development in a shallow coastal sinkhole on Great Abaco Island, The Bahamas. Quaternary International. 317:118-132.
Kemp AC, Bernhardt CE, Horton BP, Kopp RE, Vane CH, W. Peltier R, Hawkes AD, Donnelly JP, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2014.  Late Holocene sea- and land-level change on the U.S. southeastern Atlantic coast. Marine Geology. 357:90-100.
Kemp AC, Bernhardt CE, Horton BP, Kopp RE, Vane CH, W. Peltier R, Hawkes AD, Donnelly JP, Parnell AC, Cahill N.  2014.  Late Holocene sea- and land-level change on the U.S. southeastern Atlantic coast. Marine Geology. 357:90-100.
Maio CV, Gontz AM, Weidman CR, Donnelly JP.  2014.  Late Holocene marine transgression and the drowning of a coastal forest: Lessons from the past, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 393:146-158.
van Hengstum PJ, Donnelly JP, Fall PL, Toomey MR, Albury NA, Kakuk B.  2016.  The intertropical convergence zone modulates intense hurricane strikes on the western North Atlantic margin. Scientific Reports. 6(1)
Brandon CM, Woodruff JD, Donnelly JP, Sullivan RM.  2015.  How Unique was Hurricane Sandy? Sedimentary Reconstructions of Extreme Flooding from New York Harbor Scientific Reports. 4(1)
van Hengstum PJ, Winkler TS, Tamalavage AE, Sullivan RM, Little SN, MacDonald D, Donnelly JP, Albury NA.  2020.  Holocene sedimentation in a blue hole surrounded by carbonate tidal flats in The Bahamas: Autogenic versus allogenic processes. Marine Geology. 419:106051.
Brandon CM, Woodruff JD, Orton PM, Donnelly JP.  2016.  Evidence for elevated coastal vulnerability following large-scale historical oyster bed harvesting. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 41(8):1136-1143.
