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White ME, Nguyen TB, Koester I, Gaylord MCLardie, J. Beman M, Smith KL, McNichol AP, Beaupré SR, Aluwihare LI.  2023.  Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter has Similar Chemical Characteristics but Different Radiocarbon Signatures With Depth in the Marine Water Column. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 37(4):e2022GB007603.
Burke A, Robinson LF, McNichol AP, Jenkins W.J, Scanlon KM, Gerlach DS.  2010.  Reconnaissance dating A new radiocarbon method applied to assessing the temporal distribution of Southern Ocean deep-sea corals. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 57(11):1510-1520.
McIntyre CP, Roberts ML, Burton JR, McNichol AP, Burke A, Robinson LF, von Reden KF, Jenkins W.J.  2011.  Rapid radiocarbon ((14)C) analysis of coral and carbonate samples using a continuous-flow accelerator mass spectrometry (CFAMS) system. Paleoceanography. 26:PA4212-PA4212.
Martens CS, McNichol AP.  2001.  Radiocarbon Dating of Wood Samples and Plutonium Sediment Disturbance Studies at the Queen Anne's Revence Wreck Site. Southeastern Geology. 40(1):29-40.
Hou J, Huang Y, Brodsky C, Alexandre MR, McNichol AP, King JW, Hu FSheng, Shen J.  2010.  Radiocarbon Dating of Individual Lignin Phenols: A New Approach for Establishing Chronology of Late Quaternary Lake Sediments. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 82:7119-7126.
Shen H, McNichol AP, Xu L, Gagnon A, Heikes BG.  2009.  Radiocarbon Analysis of Atmospheric Formaldehyde Using Cystamine Derivatization. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 81:6310-6316.
