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Journal Article
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Adkins J.F, Curry W.B, Dokken T., Hall I.R, Herguera J.C, Hirschi J.JM, Ivanova E.V, Kissel C., Marchal O. et al..  2007.  Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science. 316(5821):66-69.
Ortiz J.D, O'Connell S., DelViscio J., Dean W.E, Carriquiry J., Marchitto T.M, Zheng Y., van Geen A..  2004.  Enhanced marine productivity off western North America during warm climate intervals of the past 52 kyr. Geology. 32(6):521-524.
Marchitto T.M, Lehman S.J, Ortiz J.D, Fluckiger J., van Geen A..  2007.  Marine radiocarbon evidence for the mechanism of deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise. Science. 316(5830):1456-9.
Marchitto T.M, Curry W.B, Oppo D.W.  1998.  Millennial-scale changes in North Atlantic circulation since the last glaciation. Nature. 393(6685):557-561.
Curry W.B, Marchitto T.M, McManus J.F, Oppo D.W, L LK.  1999.  Millennial-scale climate changes in ventilation of the thermocline, intermediate and deep waters of the glacial North Atlantic. Geophysical Monograph series. AGU Chapman Conference volume 112:59-76.
Marchitto T.M, Curry W.B, W OD.  1998.  North Atlantic gyre ventilation and intermediate water formation during the last glaciation and Younger Dryas. Nature. 393:557-561.
Marchitto T.M, Jones G.A, Goodfriend G.A, Weidman C.R, Jirikowic J..  1997.  Precise temporal correlation of Holocene mollusc shells using sclerochronology. Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology.
Koutavas A., Lynch-Stieglitz J., Sachs J.P, Marchitto T.M.  2001.  Thirty thousand year record of climate from the Galapagos Islands and links with high latitudes. EOS. 82(47)