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Donnelly JP, Bryant SSmith, Butler J, Dowling J, Fan L, Hausmann N, Newby P, Shuman B, Stern J, Westover K et al..  2001.  A 700 year sedimentary record of intense hurricane landfalls in southern New England. GSA Bulletin. 113:714-727.
Donnelly JP, Bryant SSmith, Butler J, Dowling J, Fan L, Hausmann N, Newby P, Shuman B, Stern J, Westover K et al..  2001.  A 700 year sedimentary record of intense hurricane landfalls in southern New England. GSA Bulletin. 113:714-727.
Santschi P.H, Guo L., Asbill S., Allison M., Kepple B., Wen L.S.  2001.  Accumulation rates and sources of sediments and organic carbon on the Palos Verdes shelf based on multiple radioisotopic tracers (137Cs, 239,240Pu, 210Pb, 234Th, 238U and 14C). Marine Chemistry. 73(2):125-152.
Curtis J.H, Brenner M., Hodell D.A.  2001.  Climate change in the circum-Caribbean (late Pleistocene-to-Present) and implications for regional biogeography. Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives, 2nd Edition. :35-54.
Wang X.C, Chen R.F, Whelan J., Eglinton L..  2001.  Contribution of "old" carbon from natural marine hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary and dissolved organic carbon pools in the Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters. 28(17):3313-3316.
Wang X.C, Chen R.F, Whelan J., Eglinton L..  2001.  Contribution of "old" carbon from natural marine hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary and dissolved organic carbon pools in the Gulf of Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters. 28(17):3313-3316.
Johnson T.C, Barry S.L, Chan Y., Wilkinson P..  2001.  Decadal record of climate variability spanning the last 700 years in the southern tropics of East Africa. Geology. 29:83-86.
Dorion C.C, Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Balco G., Wright J., Borns, Jr. H.W.  2001.  The deglaciation of eastern Maine: in Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada. Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada.
Dorion C.C, Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Balco G., Wright J., Borns, Jr. H.W.  2001.  The deglaciation of eastern Maine: in Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada. Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada.
McCorkle D.C, Gramling C.M, Mulligan A.E, Woods T.L.  2001.  Development of a Carbon Isotope-Based Tracer of Groundwater Fluxes into Estuaries and the Coastal Ocean. EOS. 82(20):S152.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R, Kaplan S.W.  2001.  Hydrology, vegetation, and climate change in the southern Everglades during the Holocene. Bulletin of American Paleontology. 361:57-99.
Wyrwoll K.H, Miller G.H.  2001.  Initiation of the Australian summer monsoon 14,000 years ago. Quaternary International. 83-5(1):119-128.
Kaufman D.S, Manley W.F, Wolfe A.P, Hu F.S, Preece S.J, Westgate J.A, Forman S.L.  2001.  The last interglacial to glacial transition, Togiak Bay, Southwestern Alaska. Quaternary Research. 55(2):190-202.
Kaufman D.S, Manley W.F, Wolfe A.P, Hu F.S, Preece S.J, Westgate J.A, Forman S.L.  2001.  The last interglacial to glacial transition, Togiak Bay, Southwestern Alaska. Quaternary Research. 55(2):190-202.
Shuman B., Bravo J., Kaye J., Lynch J.A, Newby P., Webb T..  2001.  Late Quaternary water-level variations and vegetation history at Crooked Pond, southeastern Massachusetts. Quaternary Research. 56(3):401-410.
Sabine C.L, Key R.M, Bullister J.L, Feely R.A, Lamb M.F, Millero F.J, Wanninkhof R., Peng T.H, Lee K., Kozyr A. et al..  2001.  Multiple anthropogenic tracer distributions in the ocean. Sixth International CO2 Conference.
Donnelly J.P, Roll S., Wengren M., Butler J., Lederer R., Webb T..  2001.  Sedimentary evidence of intense hurricane strikes from New Jersey. Geology. 29(7):615-618.
Donnelly J.P, Roll S., Wengren M., Butler J., Lederer R., Webb T..  2001.  Sedimentary evidence of intense hurricane strikes from New Jersey. Geology. 29(7):615-618.
Wright E., Harris M.S, Sapp A., Lewis K., Kruse S., Edgar T..  2001.  Stratigraphic Development of a Northeastern South Carolina Barrier Island: Waites Island. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Abstracts with Program. :193.
Dorion C.C, Balco G., Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Wright J., Borns H.W.  2001.  Stratigraphy, paleoceanography, chronology, and paleoenvironment during deglaciation of eastern Maine, Report. Deglacial History and Relative Sea Level Changes, Northern New England and adjacent Canada. 242:215.
Charles C.D, Rind D., Healy R., Webb R..  2001.  Tropical cooling and the isotopic composition of precipitation in general circulation model simullations of the ice age climate. Climate Dynamics. 17:489-502.
Baker M.S, Wilson C.A.  2001.  Use of bomb radiocarbon to validate otolith section ages of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography. 46(7):1819-1824.
Smittenberg R.H, Hopmans E.C, Eglinton T.I, Hayes J.M, Whiticar M.J, Schouten S., Damsté J.SSinning.  2001.  Validation of compound-specific 14C dating using the varved sedimentary record of Saanich Inlet, Canada. Proceedings of the 20th international meeting on organic geochemistry.
Choi Y., Wang Y., Hsieh Y.P, Robinson L..  2001.  Vegetation succession and carbon sequestration in a coastal wetland in northwestern Florida: evidence from carbon isotopes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(2):311-319.
