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Journal Article
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Slowey N..  1999.  Weaker Gulf Stream in the Florida straits during the last glacial maximum. Nature. 402(6762):644-648.
McManus J.F, Healey S.L, Oppo D.W, Curry W.B.  1999.  Variability in shallow- and intermediate-water hydrography during the last climate cycle of the Quaternary. EOS. 80:F10.
Curry W.B, Oppo D.W.  1997.  Synchronous, high-frequency oscillations in tropical sea surface temperatures and North Atlantic Deep Water production during the last glacial cycle. Paleoceanography. 12(1):1-14.
Carlson A.E, Oppo D.W, Came R.E, LeGrande A.N, Keigwin L.D, Curry W.B.  2008.  Subtropical Atlantic salinity variability and Atlantic meridional circulation during the last deglaciation. Geology. 36(12):991-994.
Keigwin L.D, Curry W.B, Lehman S.J, Johnsen S..  1994.  The Role of the Deep-Ocean in North-Atlantic Climate-Change between 70-Kyr and 130-Kyr Ago. Nature. 371(6495):323-326.
Marchitto T.M, Curry W.B, W OD.  1998.  North Atlantic gyre ventilation and intermediate water formation during the last glaciation and Younger Dryas. Nature. 393:557-561.
Curry W.B, Marchitto T.M, McManus J.F, Oppo D.W, L LK.  1999.  Millennial-scale climate changes in ventilation of the thermocline, intermediate and deep waters of the glacial North Atlantic. Geophysical Monograph series. AGU Chapman Conference volume 112:59-76.
Marchitto T.M, Curry W.B, Oppo D.W.  1998.  Millennial-scale changes in North Atlantic circulation since the last glaciation. Nature. 393(6685):557-561.
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Oppo D.W, Ninneman U.S, Charles C.D, Munson J..  2006.  Meridional overturning circulation in the South Atlantic at the last glacial maximum. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 7
Lund D.C, Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B.  2006.  Gulf Stream density structure and transport during the past millennium. Nature. 444(7119):601-4.
Slowey N.C, Curry W.B.  1995.  Glacial-Interglacial Differences in Circulation and Carbon Cycling within the Upper Western North-Atlantic. Paleoceanography. 10(4):715-732.
Curry W.B, Oppo D.W.  2005.  Glacial water mass geometry and the distribution of d 13 C of SCO 2 in the western Atlantic Ocean. Paleoceanography. 20
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Slowey N..  1999.  A geostrophic transport estimate for the Florida Current from the oxygen isotope composition of benthic foraminifera. Paleoceanography. 14(3):360-373.
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Lund D.C.  2009.  Florida Straits density structure and transport over the last 8,000 years. Paleoceanography. 24(3):3209.
Praetorius S.K, McManus J.F, Oppo D.W, Curry W.B.  2008.  Episodic reductions in bottom-water currents since the last ice age. Nature Geoscience. 1(7):449-452.
Oppo D.W, Deiner L., Curry W.B, Norris R.D.  1996.  East Asian monsoon variations; linkage to northern hemisphere millenniallll-scale climate oscillations. Supplement to EOS. 77:19.
Slowey N.C, Henderson G.M, Curry W.B.  1996.  Direct U-Th dating of marine sediments from the two most recent interglacial periods. Nature. 383(6597):242-244.
Came R.E, Oppo D.W, Curry W.B, Lynch-Stieglitz J..  2008.  Deglacial variability in the surface return flow of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Paleoceanography. 23(1)
Came R.E, Oppo D.W, Curry W.B.  2003.  Atlantic Ocean circulation during the Younger Dryas: Insights from a new Cd/Ca record from the western subtropical South Atlantic. Paleoceanography. 18(4)
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Adkins J.F, Curry W.B, Dokken T., Hall I.R, Herguera J.C, Hirschi J.JM, Ivanova E.V, Kissel C., Marchal O. et al..  2007.  Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science. 316(5821):66-69.
Conference Paper
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Slowey N.C.  1999.  The overturning circulation of the glacial Atlantic: A view from the top. Sixth International Conference on Paleoceanography.
Book Chapter
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Curry W.B, Slowey N., Schmidt G.A.  1999.  The overturning circulation of the glacial Atlantic: A view from the top. Reconstructing Ocean History: A Window into the Future. :7-31.
Curry W.B.  1996.  Late Quaternary deep circulation in the western equatorial Atlantic (Book Section). The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation. :577-598.