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Book Chapter
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F.  1998.  A Correction for Aberrations in the Woods Hole Recombinator. Symposium of North-Eastern Accelerator Personnel, SNEAP 1996. :123-128.
Bellino M, von Reden KF, Schneider RJ, Long PLong, Healy R.  2001.  Installation of a 134-sample MC-SNICS at the NOSAMS facility and first results. Symposium of NorthEastern Accelerator Personnel, Oak Ridge National Lab., USA, October 25-28, 1999. :49-55.
von Reden KF, Bellino M, Long P, Schneider RJ, Loger R.  1999.  Installation of a 134-Sample MC-SNICS Ion Source at NOSAMS and first results. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :247-251.
von Reden KF, Schneider RJ.  1999.  A Silent Tandetron AMS System. Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel, October 13-15, 1997, SNEAP XXXI. :61-68.
Journal Article
Patrut A, Garnaud ébastien, Ka O, Patrut RT, Diagne T, Lowy DA, Forizs E, Bodis ő, von Reden KF.  2017.  African Baobabs with a Very Large Number of Stems and False Stems: Radiocarbon Investigation of the Baobab of Warang. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 62(1):111-120.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, von Reden KF, Hall G, Hofmeyr M, Lowy DA, Patrut RT.  2015.  African Baobabs with False Inner Cavities: The Radiocarbon Investigation of the Lebombo Eco Trail Baobab. PLoS One. 10(1):e0117193-e0117193.
Patrut A, von Reden KF, Van Pelt R, Mayne DH, Lowy DA, Margineanu D.  2011.  Age determination of large live trees with inner cavities: radiocarbon dating of Platland tree, a giant African baobab. ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE. 68:993-1003.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, Hall G, Rakosy L, Winterbach C, von Reden KF.  2019.  Age, Growth and Death of a National Icon: The Historic Chapman Baobab of Botswana. Forests. 10(11):983.
Patrut A, von Reden KF, Danthu P, Pock-Tsy J-MLeong, Rakosy L, Patrut RT, Lowy DA, Margineanu D.  2015.  AMS radiocarbon dating of very large Grandidier’s baobabs (Adansonia grandidieri). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 361:591-598.
Patrut A, von Reden KF, Mayne DH, Lowy DA, Patrut RT.  2013.  AMS radiocarbon investigation of the African baobab: Searching for the oldest tree. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 294:622-626.
Patrut A, von Reden KF, Lowy DA, Mayne DH, Elder KE, Roberts ML, McNichol AP.  2010.  Comparative AMS radiocarbon dating of pretreated versus non-pretreated tropical wood samples. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 268(7-8):910-913.
Schneider RJ, McNichol AP, von Reden KF, Elder KL, Gagnon AR, Key RM, Quay PD.  1998.  A Correction for Aberrations in the Woods Hole Recombinator. Symposium of North-Eastern Accelerator Personnel. World Scientific. SNEAP 1996:123-128.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Lowy DA, Hall G, von Reden KF.  2018.  The demise of the largest and oldest African baobabs. Nature Plants. 4(7):423-426.
von Reden KF, Roberts ML, McIntyre CP, Burton JR.  2011.  Design and reality: Continuous-flow accelerator mass spectrometry (CFAMS). Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART10). 269(24):3176-3179.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Hall G, Ratiu I-A, von Reden KF.  2017.  Final Radiocarbon Investigation of Platland Tree, the Biggest African Baobab. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 62(2):347-354.
von Reden KF.  2010.  Future of the NOSAMS Tandetron AMS system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 268(7-8):854-857.
Longworth BE, von Reden KF, Long P, Roberts ML.  2015.  A high output, large acceptance injector for the NOSAMS Tandetron AMS system. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 361:211-216.
Patrut A, von Reden KF, Lowy DA, Patrut RT, D. Vaida L, Margineanu D.  2013.  Old ages of two historical Romanian trees assessed by AMS radiocarbon dating. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 294:616-621.
Patrut A, Bocos-Bintintan V, Patrut RT, Partila D, Ratiu I-A, Rakosy L, von Reden KF.  2022.  Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor’s Beech from Muncel, Baia de Aries, Romania. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 67:187–196.
