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Reddy C.M, Xu L., O'Neil G.W, Nelson R.K, Eglinton T.I, Faulkner D.J, Norstrom R., Ross P.S, Tittlemier S.A.  2004.  Radiocarbon evidence for a naturally-produced, bioaccumulation halogenated organic compound. Environmental Science and Technology. 38(7):1992-1997.
Ohkouchi N., Xu L., Reddy C.M, Montlucon D., Eglinton T.I.  2005.  Radiocarbon dating of alkenones from marine sediments: I. Isolation protocol. Radiocarbon. 47(3):401-412.
Patrut A., von Reden K.F, Pohlman J.W, Wittmann R., Mitchell C.S, Lowy D.A, Alberts A.H, Gerlach D., Xu L..  2007.  Radiocarbon dating of a very large African baobab. Tree Physiology. 27(11):1569-1574.
Reddy C.M, Xu L., Eglinton T.I, Boon J.P, Faulkner D.J.  2002.  Radiocarbon content of synthetic and natural semi-volatile halogenated organic compounds. Environ Pollut. 120(2):163-8.
Bercovici S.K, McNichol A.P, Xu L., Hansell D.A.  2018.  Radiocarbon Content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the South Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. 45(2):872-879.
Reddy C.M, Pearson A., Xu L., McNichol A.P, Benner B.A, Wise S.A, Klouda G.A, Currie L.A, Eglinton T.I.  2002.  Radiocarbon as a tool to apportion the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and black carbon in environmental samples. Environmental Science & Technology. 36(8):1774-1782.
Mandalakis M., Gustafsson O., Reddy C.M, Xu L..  2004.  Radiocarbon apportionment of fossil versus biofuel combustion sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Stockholm metropolitan area. Environ Sci Technol. 38(20):5344-9.