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Journal Article
Wooller MJ, Zazula GD, Blinnikov M, Gaglioti BV, Bigelow NH, Sanborn P, Kuzmina S, La Farge C.  2011.  The detailed palaeoecology of a mid-Wisconsinan interstadial (ca. 32 000 (14)C a BP) vegetation surface from interior Alaska. Journal of Quaternary Science. 26(7):746-756.
Gaglioti BV, Barnes BM, Zazula GD, Beaudoin AB, Wooller MJ.  2011.  Late Pleistocene paleoecology of arctic ground squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) caches and nests from Interior Alaska's mammoth steppe ecosystem, USA. Quaternary Research. 76(3):373-382.
Wooller MJ, Morgan R, Fowell S, Behling H, Fogel M.  2007.  A multiproxy peat record of Holocene mangrove palaeoecology from Twin Cays, Belize. The HoloceneThe Holocene. 17(8):1129-1139.
Monacci NM, Meier-Grünhagen U, Finney BP, Behling H, Wooller MJ.  2011.  Paleoecology of mangroves along the Sibun River, Belize. Quaternary Research. 76(2):220-228.
Gaglioti BV, Mann DH, Jones BM, Pohlman JW, Kunz ML, Wooller MJ.  2014.  Radiocarbon age-offsets in an arctic lake reveal the long-term response of permafrost carbon to climate change. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES. 119:1630-1651.
Gaglioti BV, Mann DH, Wooller MJ, Jones BM, Wiles GC, Groves P, Kunz ML, Baughman CA, Reanier RE.  2017.  Younger-Dryas cooling and sea-ice feedbacks were prominent features of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Arctic Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews. 169:330-343.