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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Eglinton T.I, Pearson A., McNichol A.P, Currie L.A, Benner B.A, Wise S.A.  1996.  Compound specific radiocarbon analysis as a tool to quantitatively apportion modern and fossil sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental matrices.. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 212(2):65-Envr.
Tanner RL, Zielinska B, Uberna E, Harshfield G, McNichol AP.  1996.  Concentrations of carbonyl compounds and the carbon isotopy of formaldehyde at a coastal site in Nova Scotia during the NARE summer intensive. Journal of Geophysical Research: AtmospheresJ. Geophys. Res.. 101(D22):28961-28970.
Tanner R.L, Zielinska B., Uberna E., Harshfield G., McNichol A.P.  1996.  Concentrations of carbonyl compounds and the carbon isotopy of formaldehyde at a coastal site in Nova Scotia during the NARE summer intensive. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 101(D22):28961-28970.
I. Lagerklint M.  1996.  Correlated temperature and icerafting records, early deglacial warming, and meltwater signals in V29-191, eastern North Atlantic Ocean. American Quaternary Association Conference. 14:93.
Young S.R, Hoblitt R.P, Smith A.L, Devine J.D, Wadge G., Shepherd J.B.  1996.  Dating of explosive volcanic events associated with dome growth at Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. Proceedings of the Special Symposium on Volcanism in Montserrat, Second Caribbean Conference on Natural Hazards and Hazard Management.
Schlosser P., Kromer B., Ekwurzel B., Boenisch G., McNichol A., Schneider R., von Reden K., Oestlund G..  1996.  Deep water formation and exchange rates in the Arctic Ocean: Implications from the distribution of 14C. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:106-107.
Winkler MG.  1996.  The development of Ryder Pond in the Cape Cod National Seashore and determination of the causes of recent Ryder Pondwater chemistry changes. Report. NPS/NESO-RNR/NRTR/97-01:176.
Winkler M.G, Kaplan S..  1996.  Diatom and sediment evidence for late Holocene hydrologic changes, Everglades National Park. ASLO Meeting.
Slowey N.C, Henderson G.M, Curry W.B.  1996.  Direct U-Th dating of marine sediments from the two most recent interglacial periods. Nature. 383(6597):242-244.
Elder K.L, Jones G.A, Bolz G..  1996.  Distribution of otoliths in surficial sediments of the U. S. Atlantic continental shelf and slope and potential for reconstructing Holocene fish stocks. Paleoceanography. 11(3):359-367.
Donner J..  1996.  The early and middle Weichselian interstadials in the central area of the Scandinavian glaciations. Quaternary Science Reviews. 15(5-6):471-479.
Oppo D.W, Deiner L., Curry W.B, Norris R.D.  1996.  East Asian monsoon variations; linkage to northern hemisphere millenniallll-scale climate oscillations. Supplement to EOS. 77:19.
Meyers P.A, Silliman J.E, Shaw T.J.  1996.  Effects of turbidity flows on organic matter accumulation, sulfate reduction, and methane generation in deep-sea sediments on the Iberia Abyssal Plain. Organic Geochemistry. 25(1-2):69-78.
Weidman C.R, Jones G.A.  1996.  Evolution of the 14C signal in the surface North Atlantic Ocean. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Abstract Radiocarbon. 38:123.
Pearson A., McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F.  1996.  Expanded Small Sample Capabilities at NOSAMS: Preparation and Analysis of Conventional Graphite Targets Containing 0.15 mg Carbon. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:97.
Sano Y., Williams S.N.  1996.  Fluxes of mantle and subducted carbon along convergent plate boundaries. Geophysical Research Letters. 23(20):2749-2752.
McIntyre A., Molfino B..  1996.  Forcing of Atlantic Equatorial and Subpolar Millennial Cycles by Precession. Science. 274(5294):1867-70.
Eglinton T.I, Aluwihare L.I, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.R, McNichol A.P.  1996.  Gas chromatographic isolation of individual compounds from complex matrices for radiocarbon dating. Anal Chem. 68(5):904-12.
Uchupi E., Swift S.A, Ross D.A.  1996.  Gas venting and late Quaternary sedimentation in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf. Marine Geology. 129(3-4):237-269.
Darby D.ABischof.  1996.  Highly Variable Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sedimentation Rates In AMS C14-Dated Boxcores From the Central Arctic Ocean. EOS. 77(46):F307.
Karlin R.E, Abella S.EB.  1996.  A history of Pacific Northwest earthquakes recorded in Holocene sediments from Lake Washington. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. 101(B3):6137-6150.
Whitmore T.J, Brenner M., Curtis J.H, Dahlin B.H, Leyden B.W.  1996.  Holocene climatic and human influences on lakes of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: An interdisciplinary, palaeolimnological approach. Holocene. 6(3):273-287.
Haase AA, Smith G.L, Hardacker E.P.  1996.  Holocene paleoclimatic changes in the Lake Winnebago basin, east-central Wisconsin. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 28(6):41.
Fabrizio A., Oliverio M..  1996.  Holocene sea-level rise recorded by a radiocarbon-dated mussel in a submerged speleothem beneath the Mediterranean Sea. Quaternary Research. 45(2):241-244.
Islebe G.A, Hooghiemstra H., Brenner M., Curtis J.H, Hodell D.A.  1996.  A Holocene vegetation history from lowland Guatemala. Holocene. 6(3):265-271.
