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Sonnerup R.E, Quay P.D, McNichol A.P.  2000.  The Indian Ocean 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 14:903-916.
Currie L.A, Kessler J.D, Marolf J.V, McNichol A.P, Stuart D.R, Donoghue J.C.  2000.  Low-level (submicromole) environmental 14C metrology. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res.. B(172):440-448.
Gagnon A.R, McNichol A.P, Donoghue J.C, Stuart D.R, von Reden K..  2000.  The NOSAMS sample preparation laboratory in the next millenium: Progress after the WOCE program. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172(172):409-415.
Lerperger M., McNichol A.P, Peden J., Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Kutschera W., Rom W., Steier P..  2000.  Oceanic uptake of CO2 re-estimated through d13C in WOCE samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B (172)(1-4):501-512.
McNichol A.P, Quay P.D, Stuart D.R, Sonnerup R.E, Key R.M.  2000.  An ocean-wide DIC-13 data set. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Pearson A., Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P.  2000.  An organic tracer for surface ocean radiocarbon. Paleoceanography. 15(5):541-550.
Martin W.R, McNichol A.P, McCorkle D.C.  2000.  The radiocarbon age of calcite dissolving at the sea floor: Estimates from pore water data. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 64(8):1391-1404.
McNichol A.P, Ertel J.R, Eglinton T.I.  2000.  The radiocarbon content of individual lignin-derived phenols: Technique and initial results. Radiocarbon. 42(2):219-227.
Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F, Elder K.L, Gagnon A.R, Key R.M, Quay P.D, Schlosser P.M.  2000.  The radiocarbon gradient at the Antarctic Polar Front. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Key R.M, Quay P.D.  2000.  Ten years after - the WOCE AMS radiocarbon program. Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Conference.
McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Gagnon A.R, Elder K.L, Key R.M, Quay P.D.  2000.  Ten years after - The WOCE AMS radiocarbon program. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 172(1-4):479-484.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Elder K.F, Gagnon A.R.  1999.  Installation and First Results of a 134-Sample MC-SNICS Ion Source at NOSAMS. 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Hayes J.M, Pearson A., Eglinton T.I.  1999.  New Developments at the NOSAMS Facility. Proceeding of the International Workshop on Frontiers in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :44-52.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Hayes J.M, Pearson A., Eglinton T.I.  1999.  New Developments at the NOSAMS Facility. International Workshop on Frontiers in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
Sonnerup R.E, Quay P.D, McNichol A.P, Bullister J.L, Westby T.A, Anderson H.L.  1999.  Reconstructing the oceanic 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 13:857-872.
