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Mollenhauer G, Inthorn M, Zabel M, Damste JSinninghe, Eglinton TI.  2006.  Cross-shelf lateral transport in the Benguela Upwelling System: Aging of marine organic matter in the benthic boundary layer. Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Drenzek NJ, Montluçon DB, Yunker MB, Macdonald RW, Eglinton TI.  2007.  Constraints on the origin of sedimentary organic carbon in the Beaufort Sea from coupled molecular 13C and 14C measurements. Marine Chemistry. 103:146-162.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Schneider RR, Meggers H, Lamy F, Ohkouchi N, Hayes JM.  2003.  Compound specific radiocarbon dating of alkenones: methodological considerations and applications in paleoceanography. 18th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Eglinton TI, Galy VV, Hemingway JD, Feng X, Bao H, Blattmann TM, Dickens AF, Gies H, Giosan L, Haghipour N et al..  2021.  Climate control on terrestrial biospheric carbon turnover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(8):e2011585118.
Griffith DR, Wacker L, Gschwend PM, Eglinton TI.  2012.  Carbon isotopic (C-13 and C-14) composition of synthetic estrogens and progestogens. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY. 26:2619-2626.
Feng X, Benitez-Nelson BC, Montluçon DB, Prahl FG, McNichol AP, Xu L, Repeta DJ, Eglinton TI.  2013.  C-14 and C-13 characteristics of higher plant biomarkers in Washington margin surface sediments. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 105:14-30.
