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Carey D.A, Varekamp J.C.  2004.  Evidence of historical wet period deposits in central Long Island Sound: source and transport processes based on mercury profiles and sedimentology. 7th biennial Long Island Sound research conference, Program and abstrracts.
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C, Acosta Z., Thaler B., Cooper S., Sangiorgio F..  2004.  Eutrophication of western Long Island Sound. GSA Annual Meeting. Abstracts 36(6):212-217.
Thomas E., Abramson I., Varekamp J.C, Brink M.RBuchhol.  2002.  Eutrophication of Long Island Sound as traced by benthic foraminifera. Long Island Sound/NEERS Research Conference.
Varekamp J.C, Lugolobi F., Thomas E., Mecray E., Brink M.RBuchhol.  2004.  The eutrophication of Long Island Sound, abstract. EOS Trans. AGU. 85(17)
Thomas E., Varekamp J.C.  2006.  Environmental impact on LIS from the early colonial society. Long Island Sound Research Conference.
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E..  2005.  The environmental history of Long Island Sound with evidence for human impacts. Living on the Edge Symposium. Abstract:12-13.
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E., Groner M..  2004.  The early history of Long Island Sound. 7th Biennial Long Island Sound research conference, Program/Abstracts.
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E..  2006.  The early history of Long Island Sound. The last deglaciation.
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E..  2005.  The early geological history of Long Island Sound. AGU Fall meeting.
