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Goodfriend G.A, Ellis G.L, Toolin L.J.  1999.  Radiocarbon age anomalies in land snail shells from Texas: Ontogenetic, individual, and geographic patterns of variation. Radiocarbon. 41(2):149-156.
Biondi F..  1999.  Radiocarbon analysis of Pinus lagunae tree rings: Implications for tropical dendrochronology. Radiocarbon. 41(3):241-249.
Goodfriend G.A, Stanley D.J.  1999.  Rapid strand-plain accretion in the northeastern Nile Delta in the 9th century A. D. and the demise of the port of Pelusium. Geology. 27:147-150.
Sonnerup R.E, Quay P.D, McNichol A.P, Bullister J.L, Westby T.A, Anderson H.L.  1999.  Reconstructing the oceanic 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 13:857-872.
Rashid H., Hesse R., Piper D.JW.  1999.  Records of Heinrich Events at the confluence of the distal Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel, and the Immarssauk Mid-Ocean Channel of the North Atlantic, Europ. Union. Geoscience 10th Annual Meeting. Abstract 4:173.
Bao R., Santos L., Sanchez-Goni M.F.  1999.  Registro micropaleontologico de los cambios naturales y antropicos (500 anos BP-presente) en us ecosistema de lagoon (Doninos, NO Peninsula Iberica). Actas XV Jornadas Sociedad Espanola de Paleontologia. Temas Geologico-Mineros ITGE, 26, Madrid:182-185.
Gutierrez B.T, Aubrey D.G, Driscoll N.W, Uchupi E..  1999.  Relative Sea-Level Rise and the Development of Channel-Fill and Shallow-Water Sequences on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting.
Johnson T.J, Rasmussen K.A, Romanovsky V.V.  1999.  Research of natural processes taking place in Issyk-Kul Lake and Issyk-Kul Hollow by means of isotopic methods. Science and New Technologies. (Special Issue No. 1):86-91.
Kaplan M.F.  1999.  Retreat of a tidewater margin of the Laurentide ice sheet in eastern coastal Maine ca. 14 to 13,000 14C yrs BP. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 111:620-633.
Kerwin M.W, Overpeck J.T, Webb R.S, DeVernal A., Rind D.H, Healy R.J.  1999.  The role of oceanic forcing in mid-Holocene Northern Hemisphere climatic change. Paleoceanography. 14(2):200-210.
