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I. V. Buynevich, FitzGerald, D. M., and Goble, R. J., A 1,500-year record of North Atlantic storm activity based on optically dated relict beach scarps, Geology, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 543-546, 2007.
S. C. Fritz, Baker, P. A., and Dwyer, G. S., A 160,000-year record of tropical climate variability from Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 80, p. 757, 2001.
L. D. Keigwin, Sachs, J. P., and Rosenthal, Y., A 1600-year history of the Labrador Current off Nova Scotia, Climate Dynamics, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 53-62, 2003.
M. B. Bush, Hansen, B. C. S., Rodbell, D. T., Seltzer, G. O., Young, K. R., Leon, B., Abbott, M. B., Silman, M. R., and Gosling, W. D., A 17,000 year history of Andean climatic and vegetation change from Laguna de Chochos, Peru, Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 20, no. 7-8, pp. 703-714, 2005.
K. K. Grochocki, Lane, C. S., and Stager, J. Curt, An 1800-year record of environmental change from the southern Adirondack Mountains, New York (USA), Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 301 - 314, 2019.
W. Broecker and Barker, S., A 190% drop in atmosphere's Delta(14) C during the "Mystery Interval" (17.5 to 14.5 kyr), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 256, no. 1-2, pp. 90-99, 2007.
A. van Geen, Zheng, Y., Bernhard, J. M., Cannariato, K. G., Carriquiry, J., Dean, E., Eakins, B. W., Ortiz, J. D., and Pike, J., 1999 RV Melville Baja California cruise, on the preservation of laminated sediments along the western margin of North America, Paleoceanography, vol. 18, no. 4, 2003.
D. Porinchu, MacDonald, G., and Rolland, N., A 2000 year midge-based paleotemperature reconstruction from the Canadian Arctic archipelago, Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 177-188, 2009.
S. L. Barry, Filippi, M. L., Talbot, M., and Johnson, T. C., A 20,000-yr sedimentological record from Lake Malawi, East Africa: the Late-Pleistocene/Holocene transition in the southern tropics, in The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeoclimatology and Biodiversity, E. O. Odada, Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
K. J. Anchukaitis and Horn, S. P., A 2000-year reconstruction of forest disturbance from southern Pacific Costa Rica, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, vol. 221, no. 1-2, pp. 35-54, 2005.
D. W. Oppo, Rosenthal, Y., and Linsley, B. K., 2,000-year-long temperature and hydrology reconstructions from the Indo-Pacific warm pool, Nature, vol. 460, no. 7259, pp. 1113-1116, 2009.
S. A. Reinemann, Porinchu, D. F., MacDonald, G. M., Mark, B. G., and DeGrand, J. Q., A 2000-yr reconstruction of air temperature in the Great Basin of the United States with specific reference to the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, Quaternary Research, vol. 82, pp. 309-317, 2014.
F. Antonioli, E, B., Silenzi, S., Potter, E. K., and Improta, S., 215-kyr sea-level oscillations from marine and continental layers in Argentarola cave speleothems (Italy), Global and Planetry Changes, vol. 43, pp. 57-78, 2004.
K. F. von Reden, Schneider, R. J., Roberts, M. L., Han, B. X., and Wills, J., A 2.45 GHz Ion Source for use in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, in 11th International Conference on Ion Ssources, Caen, France, 2005.
F. Gasse, Barker, P., and Johnson, T. C., A 24,600 year diatom record from the northern basin of Lake Malawi, in The East African Great Lakes, Limnology, Palaeoclimatology and Biodiversity, E. O. Odada, Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002.
R. Hillyer, Valencia, B. G., Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R., and Steinitz-Kannan, M., A 24,900-year paleolimnological history from the Peruvian Andes, Quaternary Research, vol. 71, pp. 71-82, 2009.
L. G. Thompson, Davis, M. E., Mosley-Thompson, E., Sowers, T. A., Henderson, K. A., Zagorodnov, V. S., Lin, P., Mikhalenko, V. N., Campen, R. K., Bolzan, J. F., Cole-Dai, J., and Francou, B., A 25,000-year tropical climate history from bolivian ice cores, Science, vol. 282, no. 5395, pp. 1858-64, 1998.
W. A. Naqvi and Fairbanks, R. G., A 27,000 year record of Red Sea Outflow: Implication for timing of post-glacial monsoon intensification, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 1501-1504, 1996.
A. Pourmand, Marcantonio, F., Bianchi, T. S., Canuel, E. A., and Waterson, E. J., A 28-ka history of sea surface temperature, primary productivity and planktonic community variability in the western Arabian Sea, Paleoceanography, vol. 22, no. 4, p. n/a - n/a, 2007.
R. E. Summons, Jahnke, L. L., Hope, J. M., and Logan, G. A., 2-Methylhopanoids as biomarkers for cyanobacterial oxygenic photosynthesis, Nature, vol. 400, no. 6744, pp. 554-557, 1999.
