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Journal Article
Hanke UM, Reddy CM, Braun ALL, Coppola AI, Haghipour N, McIntyre CP, Wacker L, Xu L, McNichol AP, Abiven S et al..  2017.  What on Earth Have We Been Burning? Deciphering Sedimentary Records of Pyrogenic CarbonWhat on Earth Have We Been Burning? Deciphering Sedimentary Records of Pyrogenic Carbon Environmental Science & Technology. 51(21):12972-12980.
Walsh AN, Mazzotta MG, Nelson TF, Reddy CM, Ward CP.  2022.  Synergy between Sunlight, Titanium Dioxide, and Microbes Enhances Cellulose Diacetate Degradation in the Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology. 56:13810–13819.
Ward CP, Armstrong CJ, Walsh AN, Jackson JH, Reddy CM.  2019.  Sunlight Converts Polystyrene to Carbon Dioxide and Dissolved Organic Carbon. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
Hanke UM, Lima-Braun AL, Eglinton TI, Donnelly JP, Galy V, Poussart P, Hughen K, McNichol AP, Xu L, Reddy CM.  2019.  Significance of Perylene for Source Allocation of Terrigenous Organic Matter in Aquatic SedimentsSignificance of Perylene for Source Allocation of Terrigenous Organic Matter in Aquatic Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 53(14):8244-8251.
Hanke UM, Gagnon AR, Reddy CM, Gaylord MCLardie, Cruz AJ, Galy V, Hansman RL, Kurz MD.  2023.  Sequential thermal analysis of complex organic mixtures: Procedural standards and improved CO2 purification capacity. Radiocarbon. 65(2):389–409.
White HK, Reddy CM, Eglinton TI.  2007.  Relationships between carbon isotopic composition and mode of binding of natural organic matter in selected marine sediments. 38(11):1824-1837.
Mazzotta MG, Reddy CM, Ward CP.  2022.  Rapid Degradation of Cellulose Diacetate by Marine MicrobesRapid Degradation of Cellulose Diacetate by Marine Microbes. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 9(1):37-41.
Walsh AN, Reddy CM, Niles SF, McKenna AM, Hansel CM, Ward CP.  2021.  Plastic Formulation is an Emerging Control of Its Photochemical Fate in the Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology. 55(18):12383-12392.
Xu L, Zheng M, Ding X, Edgerton ES, Reddy CM.  2012.  Modern and Fossil Contributions to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in PM2.5 from North Birmingham, Alabama in the Southeastern U.S.. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 46:1422-1429.
Slater GF, Nelson RK, Kile BM, Reddy CM.  2006.  Intrinsic bacterial biodegradation of petroleum contamination demonstrated in situ using natural abundance, molecular-level 14C analysis. Organic Geochemistry. 37:981-989.
Guitart C, Slattery M, Ankisetty S, Radwan M, Ross SJ, Letcher RJ, Reddy CM.  2011.  Contemporary 14C radiocarbon levels of oxygenated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (O-PBDEs) isolated in sponge–cyanobacteria associations. Marine pollution bulletin. 62(3):631-636.
Reddy CM, J. Arey S, Seewald JS, Sylva SP, Lemkau KL, Nelson RK, Carmichael CA, McIntyre CP, Fenwick J, G. Ventura T et al..  2012.  Composition and fate of gas and oil released to the water column during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(50):20229-20234.
Slater GF, Lippmann-Pipke J, Moser DP, Reddy CM, Onstott T.C, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Lollar BSherwood.  2006.  14C methane and DIC in the deep terrestrial subsurface: implications for microbial methanogenesis. Geomicrobiology Journal. 23:453-462.