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Journal Article
Aller R.C, Blair N.E.  2006.  Carbon remineralization in the Amazon-Guianas tropical mobile mudbelt: A sedimentary incinerator. Continental Shelf Research. 26(17-18):2241-2259.
Aller R.C, Blair N.E.  2004.  Early diagenetic remineralization of sedimentary organic C in the Gulf of Papua deltaic complex (Papua New Guinea): Net loss of terrestrial C and diagenetic fractionation of C isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 68(8):1815-1825.
Blair N.E, Leithold E.L, Aller R.C.  2004.  From bedrock to burial: the evolution of particulate organic carbon across coupled watershed-continental margin systems. Marine Chemistry. 92(1-4):141-156.
Leithold E.L, Blair N.E, Perkey D.W.  2006.  Geomorphologic controls on the age of particulate organic carbon from small mountainous and upland rivers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 20(3):1-11.
Thomas C.J, Blair N.E, Alperin M.J, DeMaster D.J, Jahnke R.A, Martens C.S, Mayer L..  2002.  Organic carbon deposition on the North Carolina continental slope off Cape Hatteras (USA). Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography. 49(20):4687-4709.
Blair N.E, Leithold E.L, Ford S.T, Peeler K.A, Holmes J.C, Perkey D.W.  2003.  The persistence of memory: The fate of ancient sedimentary organic carbon in a modern sedimentary system. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 67(1):63-73.
Leithold E.L, Perkey D.W, Blair N.E, Creamer T.N.  2005.  Sedimentation and carbon burial on the northern California continental shelf: the signatures of land-use change. Continental Shelf Research. 25(3):349-371.