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Conference Paper
Bratton JF.  2007.  Holocene sedimentation in a kettle lpond breached by rising sea level on Cape Cod. Northeast Section Meeting, Geological Society of America. 39
Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G, Barbour-Wood S.L, R.A, Jr. K, Rodriguez S.C, Wehmiller J.F, Rodland D.L, Carroll M..  2005.  Holocene terebratulid brachiopods from the southern Brazilian Shelf (South Atlantic): Ecology, taphonomy, and time-averaging. Fifth International Brachiopod Congress.
Grottoli A.G, Druffel E.RM, Gille S.T, Dunbar R.B.  2000.  Identification of seasonal-to-decadal timescale variations in the zonal currents of the central equatorial Pacific. International Coral Reef Symposium.
McNichol A.P, Gagnon A.R, Osborne E.a, Hutton D.L, von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J.  1995.  Improvements in procedural blanks at NOSAMS: Reflections of improvements in sample preparation and accelerator operation. 15th International 14C Conference. 37:683-691.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Elder K.F, Gagnon A.R.  1999.  Installation and First Results of a 134-Sample MC-SNICS Ion Source at NOSAMS. 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
McNichol A.P, Gagnon A.R, Osborne E.A, Hutton D.L, Jones G.A.  1993.  Internal and external checks in the NOSAMS Sample Preparation Laboratory for target quality and homogeneity. 6th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :75.
Drenzek N., Poussart P., Lima A.L, Hughens K., Reddy C., Eglinton T.I.  2006.  Investigating the temperoral relationship between the synthesis and sediment incorporation of vascular plant biomarkers using molecular level 14C analysis. EOS Abstracts, 2006 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Raymond P.A, McGillis W.R, Bauer J.E, Caraco N.F, Cole J.J.  2005.  An investigation of accurate gas exchange measurements for determing a large river carbon isotope mass balance. 37th Liege International Colloquium on Gas Transfer at Water Survaces.
Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, Benitez-Nelson B.C, Pearson A., von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM.  1996.  Isolation of Individual Organic Compounds for AMS Radiocarbon Analysis -- A Novel Approach. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:26.
Schlosser P., Jenkins W.J, Key R., Lupton J..  2001.  Isotopes as tracers of the oceanic circulation: results from the world ocean circulation experiment. International Conference on the Study of Environmental Change Using Isotope Techniques, I.A.E.A..
Schneider R.J, Hartman J., von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P.  1996.  Kinematic Effects in the Sputtering of Carbon Isotopes. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:108.
Alessio M., Allegri L., Antonioli F., Belluomini G., Improta S., Manfra L., Martinez M.P.  1994.  La Curva Di Risalta Del Mare Tirreno Negli Ultimi 40 KA Ottenuta Mediante Datazioni Di Speleotemi Sommersi E Dati Archeologici. International Meeting on Underwater Geology.
Cohen G.J, Hutton D.L, von Reden K.F, Osborne E.A, McNichol A.P, Jones G.A.  1993.  Laboratory automation at the National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility. 6th Internation Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :74.
Butzer K.WFrederi.  1996.  The "Lake" of Mayran: Reconstructing an Environmental History from Alluvial, Lacustrine, and Soils Records in Northern Mexico. Annual Meeting, Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia.
Anderson D.M, Archer R.B.  1999.  The Last Deglaciation in Southern Chile. Development of Paleoceanography as a New Field of Science. 27
Bertrand S., Hughen K.A, Giosan L., Tierney J., Sepfulveda J., Pantoja S..  2006.  Late Holocene climate variability of South America reconstructed by a multi-proxy analysis of Chilean fjord sediments. Abstracts, EGU General Assembly.
Rosenmeier M.F, Hodell D.A, Martin J.B, Brenner M., Curtis J.H.  1998.  Late Holocene climatic variability in Central America: evidence from lacustrine sediments in the Peten, Guatemala and implications for Maya cultural evolution; Procedings of the PEP 1. PEP 1 (Pole-Equator-Pole, Paleoclimate of the Americas).
Toom DL.  1997.  Late Plains Woodland Occupation of the Kirschenman III Site in the James River Valley, North Dakota. 1997 Plains Conference, 55th Annual Meeting of the Plains Anthropological Society.
Hoyle B.G, Fisher D.C, Dorion C.C, Churchill L.L, W, Jr. BH, Nelson R.E.  1998.  Late Pleistocene Mammuthus primigenious from coastal mMaine. 33rd annual meeting, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section.
Smith S.RSmith G.  1995.  Late Pleistocene to Holocene Diatom Assemblages of the Lake Winnebago Basin, Wisconsin. North-Central/South-Central Section, Geological Society of America. 27
Gruber M.M, Smith G.L.  1995.  Late Pleistocene to Holocene Paleolimnology of the Lake Winnebago Basin, Based on Ostracods. North-Central/South-Central Section,Geological Society of America. 27
Varekamp J.C, Thomas E., Groner M..  2006.  The late Pleistocene-Holocene history of Long Island Sound. LISRC proceedings. :27-32.
Fitzgerald T.M, Smith G.L.  1995.  Late Quaternary Depositional History of the Lake Winnebago Basin. North-Central/South_Central Section, Geological Society of America. 27
Amidon W., Blard P., Avouac J., Schneider T..  2008.  Late Quaternary paleo-lake fluctuations in westernmost Tibet. 2008 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU 2008).
Langone L., Giglio F., Ravaioli M., Frignani M., Marozzi G., Rovatti G..  2000.  Late Quaternary sedimentary fluctuations of biogenic fluxes driven by climatic changes in the Southern Ocean--abstract. XXV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society.
