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Brenner M., Hodell D.A, Curtis J.H, Rosenmeier M., Binford M.W, Abbott M.B.  2001.  Abrupt climate change and pre-Columbian cultural collapse. Interhemispheric Climate Linkages.
Mercader J., Brooks A..  2001.  Across forests and savannas: Later Stone Age assemblages from Ituri and Semliki, Northeast Domacratic Republic of Congo. Journal of Antropological Research. 57(2):197-217.
Sayles F.L, Martin W.R, Chase Z., Anderson R.F.  2001.  Benthic remineralization and burial of biogenic SiO2, CaCO3, organic carbon, and detrital material in the Southern Ocean along a transect at 170oW. Deep-Sea Res.. Part-II(48):4232-4383.
Giglio F., Langone L., Morigi C., Frignani M., Ravaioli M..  2001.  Biogenic silica and organic carbon in sediments from the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Earth Sciences at the close of a Millenium: Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Artarctic Earth Sciences. 8th:35.
Matsumoto K., Sarmiento J.L, Key R.M, Slater R.D, Sabine C.L.  2001.  Bomb 14C versus anthropogenic CO2 in OCMIP ocean biogeochemical models. Global Change Open Science Conference.
Simoes M.G, Kowalewski M., Carroll M., Rodland D.L, Mello L.HC.  2001.  Brachiopod shell taphonomy in subtropical siliciclastic environments: preliminary field results. Reuniao Anal de Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia, Paleo-2001. :15.
Masiello C.A, Druffel E.RM.  2001.  Carbon isotope geochemistry of the Santa Clara River. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(2):407-416.
Jahnke LL, Eder W, Huber R, Hope JM, Hinrichs K-U, Hayes JM, Marais DJDes, Cady SL, Summons RE.  2001.  Composition of hydrothermal vent microbial communities as revealed by analyses of signature lipids, stable carbon isotopes, and Aquificales cultures. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67:5179-5189.
McNichol A.P, Jull A.JT, Burr G.S.  2001.  Converting AMS data to radiocarbon values: Considerations and conventions. Radiocarbon. 43(2a):313-320.
Toggweiler J.R, Key R.M, McNeil B..  2001.  On the d13C:PO4 relationahip in the modern and glacial ocean. Fall AGU Meeting.
McCorkle D.C, Gramling C.M, Mulligan A.E, Woods T.L.  2001.  Development of a Carbon Isotope-Based Tracer of Groundwater Fluxes into Estuaries and the Coastal Ocean. EOS. 82(20):S152.
McCorkle D.C, Gramling C.M, Mulligan A.E, Woods T.L.  2001.  Development of a Carbon Isotope-Based Tracer of Groundwater Fluxes into Estuaries and the Coastal Ocean. EOS. 82(20):S152.
Batista F, McNichol AP, Gerlach DS.  2001.  The Effect of Different Acid Treatments on the Radiocarbon Age of Sedimentary Organic Matter. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
Orr J.C, Maier-Reimer E., Mikolajewicz U., Monfray P., Sarmiento J.L, Toggweiler J.R, Taylor N.K, Palmer J., Gruber N., Sabine C.L et al..  2001.  Estimates of anthropogenic carbon uptake from four three-dimensional global ocean models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(1):43-60.
Orr J.C, Maier-Reimer E., Mikolajewicz U., Monfray P., Sarmiento J.L, Toggweiler J.R, Taylor N.K, Palmer J., Gruber N., Sabine C.L et al..  2001.  Estimates of anthropogenic carbon uptake from four three-dimensional global ocean models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(1):43-60.
Orr J.C, Maier-Reimer E., Mikolajewicz U., Monfray P., Sarmiento J.L, Toggweiler J.R, Taylor N.K, Palmer J., Gruber N., Sabine C.L et al..  2001.  Estimates of anthropogenic carbon uptake from four three-dimensional global ocean models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(1):43-60.
Champion J., Mueller K., Tate A., Guccione M.J.  2001.  Geometry, numerical models and revised slip rates for the Reelfoot blind thrust and truishear fault-propagation fold, New Medrid Seismic zone. Engineering Geology. 62(1-3):31-49.
Halfar J., Godinez-Orta L., Goodfriend G.A, Mucciarone D.A, Ingle J.C, Holden P..  2001.  Holocene–late Pleistocene non-tropical carbonate sediments and tectonic history of the western rift basin margin of the southern Gulf of California. Sedimentary Geology. 144(1-2):149-157-161-178.
Robertson A., Overpeck J., Rind D., Mosley-Thompson E., Zielinski G., Lean J., Koch D., Penner J., Tegen I., Healy R..  2001.  Hypothesized climate forcing time series for the last 500 years. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 106(D14):14783-14803.
Parkinson C.L, Rind D., Healy R.J, Martinson D.G.  2001.  The impact of sea ice concentration accuracies on climate model simulations with the GISS GCM. Journal of Climate. 14(12):2606-2623.
Wyrwoll K.H, Miller G.H.  2001.  Initiation of the Australian summer monsoon 14,000 years ago. Quaternary International. 83-5(1):119-128.
