Export 2832 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Key R.M.  1996.  P16S17S TUNES-2 final report for large volume samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(4):14.
Key R.M.  1996.  P17C TUNES-1 final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 96(3):9.
Key R.M.  1996.  P17C TUNES-1 final report for large volume samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rept. 96(2):18.
Key R.M.  1996.  P17E19S Final report for large volume samples and D14C measurements. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(8):15.
Key R.M.  1996.  P17N Final report for large volume samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(11):21.
Key R.M.  1996.  P19C Final report for large volume samples and D14C measurements. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(10):20.
Key R.M.  1996.  P6 final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rep.. 96(9):9.
Winkler M.G.  1996.  The paleoecology and pH history of Ike Walton Lake and comparison with the recent history of Zee Lake. Report. Final Report:55.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R, Kaplan S.W.  1996.  Paleoecology of the Everglades National Park Paper. Florida Bay Science Conference. :121-124.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R, Kaplan S..  1996.  Paleoecology of the Everglades National Park. Report. Technical Report 97-006:212.
Key R.M.  1996.  PC17 TUNES-1 final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Rept.. 96(3):9.
Hunt JM.  1996.  Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology. :741.
Druffel E.RM.  1996.  Post-bomb radiocarbon records of surface corals from the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Radiocarbon. 38(3):563-572.
Ormseth B.L, Smith G.L.  1996.  A preliminary palynological study of the late Pleistocene to Holocene history of the Lake Winnebago basin, Wisconsin. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 28(6):59.
Eglinton T.I, Aluwihare L.I, Bauer J.E, Druffel E.RM, McNichol A.P.  1996.  Preparative capillary gas chromatographic isolation of individual compounds from complex matrices for radiocarbon dating. Analytical Chemistry. 68:904-912.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J.  1996.  Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C Data Analysis. Workshop on Applications of AMS to Global Climate Change. 38:123.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J.  1996.  Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C Data Analysis. Radiocarbon. 38(1):123.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J.  1996.  Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C data analysis. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:123.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Schneider R.J.  1996.  Progress of the NOSAMS Facility WOCE 14C Data Analysis, Workshop on Applications of AMS to Global Climate Change. Workshop on Applications of AMS to Global Climate Change. 38:123.
von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Schneider RJ.  1996.  Progress of the NOSAMS facility WOCE (super 14) C data analysis. 38:123.
Klouda G.A, Lewis C.W, Rasmussen R.A, Rhoderick G.C, Sams R.L, Stevens R.K, Currie L.A, Donahue D.J, Jull A.JT, Seila R.L.  1996.  Radiocarbon measurements of atmospheric volatile organic compounds: Quantifying the biogenic contribution. Environmental Science & Technology. 30(4):1098-1105.
Thompson W.B, Fowler B.K, Flanagan S.M, Dorion C.C.  1996.  Recession of the late Wisconsinan Ice Sheet from the northwestern White Mountains, New Hampshire (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in Northern New Hampshire and Adjacent regions of Maine and Vermont. :203-234.
Goodfriend G.A, Stanley D.J.  1996.  Reworking and discontinuities in Holocene sedimentation in the Nile Delta: Documentation from amino acid racemization and stable isotopes in mollusk shells. Marine Geology. 129(3-4):271-283.
Winkler M.G, Portnoy J..  1996.  Ryder Pond: A drought-induced natural acidification experiment. Ecological Society of America (ESA) meeting.
Gupta B.KSen, Turner R.E, Rabalais N.N.  1996.  Seasonal oxygen depletion in continental-shelf waters of Louisiana; historical record of benthic foraminifers. Geology. 24(3):227-230.
