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Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Conference Paper
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Ravaioli, M., Giglio, F., Turi, B., Brilli, M., and Langone, L., Paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean (Pacific sector) during the last 14 Ka.--Poster, in Third International SO-JGOFS Symposium, Brest, 2000.
C. Morigo, Capotondi, L., Ravaioli, M., Giglio, F., Turi, B., Brilli, M., and Langone, L., Paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean (Pacific Sector) during the last 14 ka.- -Abstract, in Third International SO-JGOFS Symposium, Brest, 1999.
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Giglio, F., Langone, L., Turi, B., Brilli, M., and Ravaioli, M., Paleoceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean, during the last deglaciation time, as recorded by planktic foraminifers and oxygen isotopes--Poster, in ANTOSTRAT Symposium on "The geologic record of the Antarctic ice sheet from drilling, coring and seismic studies"--Poster, Erice, Italy, 2001, p. 137.
J. C. Varekamp, Thomas, E., Brink, M. F. Buchhol, Altabet, M., and Cooper, S., The paleo environmental history of Long Island Sound, Abstract, in Long Island Sound Lobster Research meeting, Groton, CT, 2003.
A. R. Nelson, Kelsey, H. M., Hemphill-Haley, E., and Witter, R. C., OxCal analyses and varve-based sedimentation rates constrain the times of 14C-dated tsunamis in southern Oregon, in Abstract for Geological Society of America Penbrose Conference on Great Cascadia Earthquake Tricentennial Seaside, Seaside, Oregon, 2000, p. 87.
J. Lynch-Stieglitz, Curry, W. B., and Slowey, N. C., The overturning circulation of the glacial Atlantic: A view from the top, in Sixth International Conference on Paleoceanography, 1999.
N. F. Caraco, Cole, J. J., Raymond, P. A., and Bauer, J. E., Organic matter inputs and metabolism in a large river estuary (the Hudson): Insights from natural abundance isotopes and whole system metabolism, in American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Salt Lake City, UT, 2005.
P. A. Raymond, Organic Carbon in Rivers (Plenary Lecture), in Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) Workshop, Lamont-Doherty, 2006.
F. H. Sequin, Schneider, R. J., Jones, G. A., and von Reden, K. F., Optimized data analysis for radiocarbon dating, in 6th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Canberra, Australia, 1993, p. 82.
A. P. McNichol, Gagnon, A. R., Jones, G. A., Schneider, R. J., and von Reden, K. F., The optimization of target production for AMS, in 14th International Radiocarbon Conference, Tucson, AZ, 1991, p. 224.
R. J. Schneider, Operation of the Woods Hole AMS System, in 12th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, 1992.
K. G. Miller, Liu, C., Browning, J. V., Pekar, S. F., Sugarman, P. J., Van Fossen, M. C., Mullikin, L., Queen, D., Feigenson, M. D., Aubry, M. P., Burckle, L. D., Powars, D., and Heibel, T., ODP Initial Reports, Leg 150X, in Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, TX, 1994, p. 59.
R. D. Flood and Piper, D. J. W., ODP drilling on the Amazon Fan; initial results on growth pattern and timing of fan sedimentation, in Annual Meeting Abstracts--American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, San Diego, CA, 1996, vol. 5, p. 47.
A. P. McNichol, Quay, P. D., Stuart, D. R., Sonnerup, R. E., and Key, R. M., An Ocean-Wide DIC-13 Data Set, in 2000 Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, TX (USA), 24-28 Jan 2000, 2000.
A. P. McNichol, Quay, P. D., Stuart, D. R., Sonnerup, R. E., and Key, R. M., An ocean-wide DIC-13 data set, in AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2000.
C. Morigi, Capotondi, L., Giglio, F., Langone, L., Brilli, M., Turi, B., and Ravaioli, M., Oceanic changes in the southern Pacific Ocean during the last deglaciation time, as recorded by planktic foraminifers and oxigen isotopes. --Extended abstract, in ANTOSTRAT Symposium on "The geologic record of the Antarctic ice sheet from drilling, coring and seismic studies", Erice, Italy, 2001, p. 137.
A. R. Gagnon, McNichol, A. P., Donaghue, J. C., Morin, T. J., and Peden, J. C., The NOSAMS Sample Preparation Laboratory: Systems and graphite performance analysis, in 16th International 14C Conference, Groninghen, 1998.
A. R. Gagnon, McNichol, A., Donoghue, J. C., Merkle, K. M., and Morin, T. J., The NOSAMS sample preparation laboratory: overview of systems and techniques, in 16th International Radiocarbon Conference, Groningen, 1997, p. 50.
K. F. von Reden, NOSAMS Controls with LabView, in Proceedings of the 30th Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel - Woods Hole, 1996, 1998.
M. Altabet and Varekamp, J. C., Nitrogen isotopic ratio records the eutrophication history of Long Island sound, in American Geophyscial Union, Joint Assembly, 2004, vol. 85, no. 17.
M. A. Altabet and Varekamp, J. C., The nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry of Long Island Sound; insights into mechanisms of 15N enrichment in eutrophication-impacted estuaries, in ASLO Meeting, New Orelans, LA, 2007.
T. C. Rick, Niaqla revisited: Archaeology and ethnohistory of a Chumash Village on Santa Rosa Island, California, in Society for California Archaeology 16, 2003, pp. 149-156.
K. F. von Reden, Jones, G. A., Schneider, R. J., McNichol, A. P., Cohen, G. J., and Purser, K. H., The new National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Facility at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Progress and First Results, in 14th International Radiocarbon Conference 1991, 1992, vol. 34, pp. 476-481.
L. A. LaGarry, LaGarry, H. E., Wandsnider, L., and Richardson, E. L., New middle and late Holocene radiocarbon dates for alluvial deposits containing the Sand Creek pit hearths of northwestern Nebraska, U.S.A, in 14th Annual Island in the Planes Archeological and Historical Symposium Program and Abstracts, 2006.
R. M. Key, A new method for separating bomb-produced and natural D14C, Global Change, in Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2001.
