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J. C. Varekamp, Thomas, E., Mecray, E. L., and Brink, M. F. Buchhol, The historical record of water quality in Long Island Sound, in Long Island Sound workshop, Groton, CT, 2002.
J. C. Varekamp, Lugolobi, F., Thomas, E., Mecray, E., and Brink, M. R. Buchhol, The eutrophication of Long Island Sound, abstract, EOS Trans. AGU, vol. 85, no. 17, 2004.
J. C. Varekamp, Thomas, E., and Groner, M., The early history of Long Island Sound, in 7th Biennial Long Island Sound research conference, Program/Abstracts, 2004.
J. C. Varekamp and Brink, M. R. Buchhol, Mercury in Connecticut and Long Island Sound sediment, in Long Island Sound/NEERS Research Conference, Groton, CT, 2002.
J. C. Varekamp, Mercury legacy from hatmaking in Danbury, CT, Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT, p. Frontpage, 2002.
J. C. Varekamp and Thomas, E., The early history of Long Island Sound, in The last deglaciation, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ., NY, 2006.
J. C. Varekamp, Mercury contamination in wetlands, in Meeting of the Atlantic Chaopter of the Soc. of Env. Toxicology and Health, Rhode Island, 2004.
T. E. Varekamp and Avener, J. C., Multiproxy records of eutrophication in Long Island Sound, in GSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2006.
J. C. Varekamp, Muckrakers discover history in Long Island Sound, New York Times, New York, NY, 2003.
J. C. Varekamp and E, T., Marsh accretion and relative sea level rise since AD 1000, in Geological Society of America, 1995 annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, 1995, vol. 27, p. 448.
J. C. Varekamp, Thomas, E., Lewis, R., and Altabet, M., The formation history of Long Island Sound, in Long Island Sound Research Conference, Groton, CT, 2006.
J. C. Varekamp and Thomas, E., The early geological history of Long Island Sound, in AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2005.
J. C. Varekamp and Thomas, E., The environmental history of Long Island Sound with evidence for human impacts, in Living on the Edge Symposium, 2005, vol. Abstract, pp. 12-13.
J. C. Varekamp, Mercury contamination in Long Island Sounds, USA, from the historic hat-making industry, in ISEG7 meeting, Beijing, China, 2006.
J. C. Varekamp, Fate of mercury in Long Island Sound, Newsday Magazine, 2004.
G. Vargas, Palacios, C., Reich, M., Luo, S., Shen, C. - C., González, G., and Wu, Y. - C., U-series dating of co-seismic gypsum and submarine paleoseismology of active faults in Northern Chile (23°S), Tectonophysics, vol. 497, no. 1–4, pp. 34-44, 2011.
Y. P. Vasilenko, Gorbarenko, S. A., Bosin, A. A., Shi, X. -fa, Chen, M. - T., Zou, J. -jun, Liu, Y. -guang, Artemova, A. V., Yanchenko, E. A., and Savenko, M. P., Millennial mode of variability of sea ice conditions in the Okhotsk Sea during the last glaciation (MIS 4–MIS 2), Quaternary International, vol. 459, pp. 187 - 200, 2017.
J. Veizer, Clayton, K. R. N., and Hinton, R. W., Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonates: IV. Early Paleoproterozoic (2.25 +/-0.25 Ga) seawater, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 56, pp. 875-885, 1992.
J. Veizer, Davin, A., Azmy, K., Bruckschen, P., Buhl, D., Bruhn, F., Carden, G. A. F., Diener, A., Ebneth, S., Godderis, Y., Jasper, T., Korte, C., Pawellek, F., Podlaha, O. G., and Strauss, H., 87Sr/86Sr, delta 18O evolution of Phanerozoic seawater, Chemical Geology, vol. 161, pp. 59-88, 1999.
R. L. Vellanoweth, Rick, T. C., Erlandson, J. M., and Reynolds, G., A 6,000 year old red abalone midden from Otter Point, San Miguel Island, California, North American Archaeologist, vol. 27, pp. 69-90, 2006.
R. A. Venturelli, Vick-Majors, T. J., Collins, B., Gagnon, A., Kasic, K., Kurz, M. D., Li, W., Priscu, J., Roberts, M., and Rosenheim, B. E., A FRAMEWORK FOR TRANSDISCIPLINARY RADIOCARBON RESEARCH: USE OF NATURAL-LEVEL AND ELEVATED-LEVEL -14- C IN ANTARCTIC FIELD RESEARCHABSTRACT, Radiocarbon, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1555 - 1568, 2021.
P. G. Verity, Bauer, J. E., Flagg, C. N., DeMaster, D. J., and Repeta, D. J., The Ocean Margins Program: an interdisciplinary study of carbon sources, transformations, and sinks in a temperate continental margin system, Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 49, no. 20, pp. 4273-4295, 2002.
M. Vermoere, Waelkens, M., and E, S., Palynlogical evidence for human occupation between 2550 and 1270 years BP recorded in two mountain wetlands (near Sagalassos, western Taurus range, SW Turkey), in International Symposium on High Mountain Lakes and Streams, 2000.
L. Vetter, Rosenheim, B. E., Fernandez, A., and Tornqvist, T. E., Short organic carbon turnover time and narrow C-14 age spectra in early Holocene wetland paleosols, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 18, pp. 142-155, 2017.
J. C. Villinski, Hayes, J. M., Villinski, J. T., Brassell, S. C., and Raff, R. A., Carbon-isotopic shifts associated with heterotrophy and biosynthetic pathways in direct- and indirect-developing sea urchins, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 275, pp. 139-151, 2004.
