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Conference Paper
Horton ET.  2008.  A New Look at Perishable Technologies from the Ozark Plateau: Focus. 31st Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology.
Weidman C.R, Jones G.A.  1993.  A new high-temporal resolution paleoceanographic tool for the northern North Atlantic: the mollusc Arctica islandica. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Statutory Meeting. 1993/K:63.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Hayes J.M, Pearson A., Eglinton T.I.  1999.  New Developments at the NOSAMS Facility. International Workshop on Frontiers in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
Nadeau M.J, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.R.  1995.  Negative ion sources for dating a very small radiocarbon samples. 15th International Radiocarbon Conference.
von Reden K.F, Jones G.A, Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P.  1993.  The National Ocean Sciences AMS System at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. European Community Workshop on Tracers in Physical Oceanography.
Gagnon A.R, McNichol A.P, Donoghue J.C, Morin T.J, Peden J.C.  1997.  The National Ocean Sciences AMS (NOSAMS) Sample Preparation Laboratory: Systems and Graphite Performance Analysis. International Radiocarbon Conference.
Jones G.A, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, McNichol A.P, Gagnon A.R, Cohen G.J, Osborne E.A, Hutton D.L, Kessel E.D, Elder K.L.  1993.  The National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 6th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :46.
McNichol A.P, Jones G.A, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Key R.M.  1993.  The National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility and the WOCE Hydrographic Program. Measurement of 14C in seawater by AMS. Third Scientific Meeting, Oceanography Society. 95
Varekamp TE, Avener J.C.  2006.  Multiproxy records of eutrophication in Long Island Sound. GSA Annual Meeting.
Kellog T.B, Wright J.D, Kellogg D.E, Lagerklint I.M, French P.L.  1995.  Multiple Indicator Approach to Interpreting Abrupt Climate Changes in the North Atlantic. Program and Abstracts. 5th International Conference on Paleoceanography. :46.
Sabine C.L, Key R.M, Bullister J.L, Feely R.A, Lamb M.F, Millero F.J, Wanninkhof R., Peng T.H, Lee K., Kozyr A. et al..  2001.  Multiple anthropogenic tracer distributions in the ocean. Sixth International CO2 Conference.
Grottoli AG.  2006.  Monthly resolved stable oxygen isotope record in a Palauan sclerosponge Acanthocheatetes wellsi for the period of 1977-2001. 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. :572-579.
Hughen K.A, Drenzek N., Bice M., Eglinton T.I.  2005.  Millennial scale variability in tropical South American vegetation during the last glaciation. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meeting Suppl..
Pearson A, McNichol AP, Schneider RJ, von Reden KF, Zheng Y.  1998.  Microscale AMS (super 14) C measurement at NOSAMS. 40:61-75.
Pearson A, McNichol AP, Schneider RJ, von Reden KF.  1998.  Microscale AMS 14C Measurement at NOSAMS. 16th International 14C Conference.
Schneider R.J, Jones G.A, McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F, Elder K.L, Kessel E.D.  1993.  Methods for data screening, flagging and error analysis at the National Ocean Sciences AMS Facility. 6th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :83.
Varekamp J.C, Brink M.RBuchhol.  2002.  Mercury in Connecticut and Long Island Sound sediment. Long Island Sound/NEERS Research Conference.
Bronsther R., Welsh P., Varekamp J.C.  2004.  Mercury in Connecticut and Long Island Sound: impact of historic hatting industries. American Geophyscial Union, Joint Assembly. 85(17)
Varekamp J.C.  2004.  Mercury contamination in wetlands. Meeting of the Atlantic Chaopter of the Soc. of Env. Toxicology and Health.
Varekamp J.C.  2006.  Mercury contamination in Long Island Sounds, USA, from the historic hat-making industry. ISEG7 meeting.
Goldoff B., Varekamp J.C, Neupane A..  2006.  Mercury contamination in Connecticut and Long Island Sound from historic hat-making sources. GSA Annual Meeting.
Varekamp J.C, Altabet M.A, Thomas C.R.  2006.  Mechanism of 15N enrichment in eutrophication-impacted estuaries. ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting.
Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Nadeau M.J, von Reden K.F.  1995.  Measurements of the OX-II/OX-I ratio as a quality control parameter at NOSAMS. 15th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Varekamp J.C, E T.  1995.  Marsh accretion and relative sea level rise since AD 1000. Geological Society of America, 1995 annual meeting. 27:448.
Haug G.H, Gunther D., Hughen K.A, Peterson L.C, Rohl U..  2002.  A marine record of Holocene climate events in tropical South America, abstract. Eos Trans. AGU 83, Fall Meeting Suppl.
