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Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Conference Paper
von Reden K.F, Cohen G.J, Dalton M.J, Peden J.C, Schneider R.J.  1995.  Developments at the NOSAMS Facility During 1995. Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel.
Weidman C.R, Jones G.A.  1993.  Development of the mollusc Artica islandica as a paleoceanographic tool for reconstructing annual and seasonal records of 14C and delta 18O in the mid- to high- latitude North Atlantic Ocean. International Symposium on Applications of Isotope Techniques in the Study of Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere. SMm-329:461-470.
Pearson A., Eglinton T.I, McNichol A.P, Currie L.A, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Benner B.A, Wise S.A.  1997.  Determination of the radiocarbon ages of individual PAH extracted from urban aerosol and marine sediment. 16th International Radiocarbon Conference. Book of Abstracts:148.
DeMaster D.J, Blair N.E, Smith C.R, Fornes W.L, Thomas C.J, Plaia G..  2001.  Deposition of Bomb C-14 in Continental Slope Sediments: Use of Radiocarbon in Understanding Benthic Food Web Dynamics. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, ASLO. :45.
Wozniak A.W, Bauer J.E, Dickhut R.M, Keesee E.J.  2007.  Deposition and reactivity of aerosol-derived organic carbon in temperate watersheds. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting.
Schlosser P., Kromer B., Ekwurzel B., Boenisch G., McNichol A., Schneider R., von Reden K., Oestlund G..  1996.  Deep water formation and exchange rates in the Arctic Ocean: Implications from the distribution of 14C. 7th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 38:106-107.
Ortiz J., O'Connell S., van Geen A., Party M' Shipboar.  2000.  Deep Sea Sediments off Baja California Reflect Greenland Ice Core climate cycles. Geological Society of America, Annual meeting.
Young S.R, Hoblitt R.P, Smith A.L, Devine J.D, Wadge G., Shepherd J.B.  1996.  Dating of explosive volcanic events associated with dome growth at Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. Proceedings of the Special Symposium on Volcanism in Montserrat, Second Caribbean Conference on Natural Hazards and Hazard Management.
Toggweiler J.R, Key R.M, McNeil B..  2001.  On the d13C:PO4 relationahip in the modern and glacial ocean. Fall AGU Meeting.
Mollenhauer G, Inthorn M, Zabel M, Damste JSinninghe, Eglinton TI.  2006.  Cross-shelf lateral transport in the Benguela Upwelling System: Aging of marine organic matter in the benthic boundary layer. Ocean Sciences Meeting.
I. Lagerklint M.  1996.  Correlated temperature and icerafting records, early deglacial warming, and meltwater signals in V29-191, eastern North Atlantic Ocean. American Quaternary Association Conference. 14:93.
von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J.  1997.  A correction for aberrations in the WHOI Recombinator Injector. Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel.
Martin J.B, Rosenmeier M.F, Hodell D.A, Brenner M., Curtis J.H.  1998.  Controls of chemical and isotopic composition of Lake water, Peten, Guatemala and implications for Holocene climatic variability in Central America. Abstracts with Programs. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. 30:309.
Roberts M.L, von Reden K.F, Han B.X, Schneider R.J, Benthien A., Hayes J.M.  2005.  Continuous-Flow Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. the International Symposium on Utilization of Accelerators.
Roberts M.L, Benthien A., Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F, Hayes J.M.  2003.  Continuous-Flow Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. International Symposium on Radiation Physics.
Alexander C., Walsh J.P, Sumner B., Orpin A.R, Kuehl S.A.  2006.  Continental slope sediment delivery and storage on an active margin: the Waipaoa Margin example. 2006 AGU meeting.
McCorkle D.C, Gramling C..  1998.  The concentration and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in ground water and submarine ground water discharge: Preliminary results from Onslow Bay, NC and North Inlet, SC. Conference on Southeast Coastal Ocean Research. :29.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Schneider RR, Meggers H, Lamy F, Ohkouchi N, Hayes JM.  2003.  Compound specific radiocarbon dating of alkenones: methodological considerations and applications in paleoceanography. 18th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Barbour-Wood S.L, R.A, Jr. K, Kowalewski M., Wehmiller J.F, Simoes M.G, Goodfriend G.A.  2003.  A comparison of rates of time averaging between the bivalve Macoma cleryana and brachiopod Bouchardia rosea on a shallow subtropical shelf. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
van der Plicht J., Hughen K.A, Guilderson T.P, Reimer P..  2003.  COMPARE04-Comparison/calibration of 14C records 26-50 ka. Abstracts, 18th International Radiocarbon Conf..
Kleindinst D.B, McNichol A.P, Currie L.A, Jones G.A, Verkouteren R.M, von Reden K.F, Klouda G.A, Schneider R.J.  1993.  Comparative study of Fe-C Bead vs. graphite target performance with the NOSAMS Facility recombinator ion source. 6th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. :71.
R.A, Jr. K, Barbourl-Wood S.L, Wehmiller J.F, Kowalewski M., Simoes M.G.  2004.  A comparative analysis of time averaging for bivalves and brachiopods from a modern tropical shelf. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs.
Peacock S., Key R., Jenkins W., Broecker W..  1999.  Combined use of bomb radiocarbon and tritium to place constraints on the relative importance of northern- and southern- derived waters in ventilating the equatorial Pacific thermocline. WOCE-AIMS Tracer Workshop.
Lange C.B, Pantoja S., Sepulveda J., Rebolledo L., Smith-Wellner J., Anderson J.B, Hughen K.A.  2006.  The Chilean Fjords. Abstracts, EGU General Assembly.
Franzi DA, Feranec R, Rayburn JA.  2010.  A Champlain Sea phocid seal fossil from the Champlain Lowland at Plattsburgh, New York. 42:68.
