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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
L. D. Keigwin, Climate-Change - the North Pacific through the Millennia, Nature, vol. 377, no. 6549, pp. 485-486, 1995.
A. J. Singer and Shemesh, A., Climatically Linked Carbon-Isotope Variation during the Past 430,000 Years in Southern-Ocean Sediments, Paleoceanography, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 171-177, 1995.
M. G. Winkler and Sanford, P. R., Coastal Massachusetts Pond Development - Edaphic, Climatic, and Sea-Level Impacts since Deglaciation, Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 311-336, 1995.
S. M. Colman, Peck, J. A., B, K. E., Carter, S. J., Bradbury, J. P., King, J. W., and Williams, D. F., Continental climate response to orbital forcing from biogenic silica records in Lake Baikal, Siberia, Nature, vol. 378, pp. 769-771, 1995.
C. R. Weidman, Development and application of the mollusc Arctica islandicaas a paleoceanographic tool for the North Atlantic Ocean, Thesis, MIT, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 1995.
K. F. von Reden, Cohen, G. J., Dalton, M. J., Peden, J. C., and Schneider, R. J., Developments at the NOSAMS Facility During 1995, in Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel, Durham, NC, 1995.
H. H. Roberts and Huh, O. K., The eastern chenier plain; an update on downrift coastal progradation associated with the building of a new Holocene delta lobe in the Mississippi delta complex, AAPG Bulletin, vol. 79, no. 10, p. 1566, 1995.
J. Donner, The effects of islands on the recession of the late Wisconsinan ice sheet margin in the De Geer Sea, Maine, Thesis, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, 1995.
G. L. Fitzger Smith, Environmental History of the Lake Winnebago Basin: 15,000 Years Ago to 1850, in Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 125th Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, 1995.
B. A. am Ende, Evolution, environment, and isotope systematics of a glauconite deposit on the modern sea floor along the southeastern United States continental margin, Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1995.
R. M. Key and Toggweiler, J. R., A first look at changes in Pacific 14C levels between GEOSECS and WOCE, in International Association for the Physical Sciences of Oceans, General Assembly, 5-12 August 1995, Honolulu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1995, vol. 130.
S. P. Penland, Jeffress, W. S., Roberts, H. H., Bailey, A., Kuecher, G. J., Suhayda, J. N., and Ramsey, K. E., Geological framework, processes, and rates of subsidence in the Mississippi River delta plain, AAPG Bulletin, vol. 79, no. 10, pp. 1565-1566, 1995.
N. C. Slowey and Curry, W. B., Glacial-Interglacial Differences in Circulation and Carbon Cycling within the Upper Western North-Atlantic, Paleoceanography, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 715-732, 1995.
K. F. von Reden, The Hemispherical Ionizer Sputter Sources at the Woods Hole AMS Facility, in 29th Symposium of NorthEastern Accelerator Personnel, Durham, NC, 1995.
A. P. McNichol, Gagnon, A. R., Osborne, E. A., Hutton, D. L., vonReden, K. F., and Schneider, R. J., Improvements in procedural blanks at NOSAMS: Reflections of improvements in sample preparation and accelerator operation, Radiocarbon, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 683-691, 1995.
A. P. McNichol, Gagnon, A. R., Osborne, Ea, Hutton, D. L., von Reden, K. F., and Schneider, R. J., Improvements in procedural blanks at NOSAMS: Reflections of improvements in sample preparation and accelerator operation, in 15th International 14C Conference, 1995, vol. 37, pp. 683-691.
S. Hawkins, Intracrystalline proteins in aragonite-needle mud from Florida Bay: an immunological and biogeochemica study, Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ann Arbor, MI, 1995.
A. Shemesh, Burckle, L. H., and Hays, J. D., Late Pleistocene Oxygen-Isotope Records of Biogenic Silica from the Atlantic Sector of the Southern-Ocean, Paleoceanography, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 179-196, 1995.
S. R. Smith G. Smith, Late Pleistocene to Holocene Diatom Assemblages of the Lake Winnebago Basin, Wisconsin, in North-Central/South-Central Section, Geological Society of America, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1995, vol. 27.
M. M. Gruber and Smith, G. L., Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleolimnolgy of the Lake Winnebago Basin, based on ostracods, Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 54, 1995.
M. M. Gruber and Smith, G. L., Late Pleistocene to Holocene Paleolimnology of the Lake Winnebago Basin, Based on Ostracods, in North-Central/South-Central Section,Geological Society of America, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1995, vol. 27.
T. M. Fitzgerald and Smith, G. L., Late Quaternary Depositional History of the Lake Winnebago Basin, in North-Central/South_Central Section, Geological Society of America, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1995, vol. 27.
M. M. Smith G. Gruber, Late Quaternary Paleolimnology of the Lake Winnebago Basin, Based on Ostracodes, 1995.
W. A. Barnhardt, Gehrels, W. R., Belknap, D. F., and Kelley, J. T., Late Quaternary Relative Sea-Level Change in the Western Gulf of Maine - Evidence for a Migrating Glacial Forebulge, Geology, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 317-320, 1995.
J. C. Strasser, Weddle, T. K., and Dorion, C. C., Late Wisconsinan stratigraphy and deglaciation chronology of the lower Aroostook River Valley, Maine, in Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 30th annual meeting, Cromwell, Connecticut, 1995, vol. 27, p. 85.
