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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Keigwin L.D, Jones G.A.  1995.  The Marine Record of Deglaciation from the Continental-Margin Off Nova-Scotia. Paleoceanography. 10(6):973-985.
Varekamp J.C, E T.  1995.  Marsh accretion and relative sea level rise since AD 1000. Geological Society of America, 1995 annual meeting. 27:448.
Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Nadeau M.J, von Reden K.F.  1995.  Measurements of the OX-II/OX-1 ratio as a quality control parameter at NOSAMS. Radiocarbon. 37(3):693-696.
Schneider R.J, McNichol A.P, Nadeau M.J, von Reden K.F.  1995.  Measurements of the OX-II/OX-I ratio as a quality control parameter at NOSAMS. 15th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Kohl B, Roberts HH.  1995.  Mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Mexico; a mechanism for mixing sediments of different ages in slope environments. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions. 45:351-359.
Kellog T.B, Wright J.D, Kellogg D.E, Lagerklint I.M, French P.L.  1995.  Multiple Indicator Approach to Interpreting Abrupt Climate Changes in the North Atlantic. Program and Abstracts. 5th International Conference on Paleoceanography. :46.
Nadeau M.J, Schneider R.J, von Reden K.R.  1995.  Negative ion sources for dating a very small radiocarbon samples. 15th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Oppo D.W, Lehman S.J, Curry J., Lynch S, Fairbanks R.G.  1995.  North Atlantic Deep Water variability during stage 3. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 76(17):171-172.
Sano Y., Marty B..  1995.  Origin of Carbon in Fumarolic Gas from Island Arcs. Chemical Geology. 119(1-4):265-274.
Showers WJ, Genna B, Price P, Flood R, Piper D.  1995.  Paleodischarge events on the Amazon Fan during the last glacial. AGU Annual Fall Meeting.
Kulp T.R, Rigsby C.A.  1995.  Paleosol evidence of anthropogenic impact on late Holocene landscape instability around an Anasazi site in Kane County, Utah. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 27(6):416.
Hodell D.A, Curtis J.H, Brenner M..  1995.  Possible Role of Climate in the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization. Nature. 375(6530):391-394.
Rea D.K, Colman S.M.  1995.  Radiocarbon Ages of Pre-Bomb Clams and the Hard-Water Effect in Lakes Michigan and Huron. Journal of Paleolimnology. 14(1):89-91.
von Reden K.F.  1995.  Routine 14C AMS at 0.2% precision - Do we need it, can it be done? 109th American Chemical Society National Meeting.
Ledwell J.R, Donoghue T., Donoghue J., Sundermeyer M..  1995.  Sampling Cruise 6, North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment, R/V Seward Johnson, Cruise 9404.
Nydick K.R, Bidwell A.B, Thomas E., Varekamp J.C.  1995.  A Sea-Level Rise Curve from Guilford, Connecticut, USA. Marine Geology. 124(1-4):137-159.
Steinkampf W.C.  1995.  Status of understanding of the saturated-zone ground-water flow system at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as of 1995, Report.
Sommerfield C.K, Nittrouer C.A, Figueiredo A.G.  1995.  Stratigraphic Evidence of Changes in Amazon Shelf Sedimentation during the Late Holocene. Marine Geology. 125(3-4):351-371.
Oppo D.W, Lehman S.J.  1995.  Suborbital Timescale Variability of North-Atlantic Deep-Water during the Past 200,000 Years. Paleoceanography. 10(5):901-910.
Dix G.R, Thomson M.L, Longstaffe F.J, McNutt R.H.  1995.  Systematic decrease of high delta 13C values with burial in late archaean (2.8 Ga) diagenetic dolomite: evidence for methanogenesis from the Crixas Greenstone Belt, Brazil. Precambrian Research. 70:253-268.
Chaney W.R, Pope P.E, Byrnes W.R.  1995.  Tree Survival and Growth on Land Reclaimed in Accord with Public-Law-95-87. Journal of Environmental Quality. 24(4):630-634.
Polyak L., Lehman S.J, Gataulin V., Jull A.JT.  1995.  Two-step deglaciation of the southeastern Barents Sea. Geology. 23(6):567-571.
Marchitto T.M, Jones G.A, Goodfriend G.A, Weidman C.R, Jirikowic J..  1995.  Using sclerochronology of the mollusc Arctica islandica as a paleoceanographic tool. 5th International Conference on Paleoceanography.
Summerhayes C.P, Kroon D., Rosell-Mele A., Jordan R.W, Schrader H.J, Hearn R., Villanueva J., Grimali J.O, Eglinton G..  1995.  Variability in the Benguela Current upwelling system over the past 70,000 years. Progress in Oceanography. 35(3):207-251.
Key R.M, Rooth C., Ostlund G., Stuiver M..  1995.  Ventilation of the deep Pacific Ocean. Supplement to Trans. American Geophysic. Union. 76(3):0S40.
