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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Piniak G.A.  2006.  The ARCADIA cruise: Assessing long-term changes in tropical reef coral distribution along the Atlantic Continental Margin, southeastern United States. Project report to NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration. :14pp.
Hard R., Roney J..  1999.  An Archaeological Investigation of Late Archaic Cerros de Trincheras Sites in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Beck N., Hydrology S..  2002.  Blackwood Creek Strem restoration project design draft report.
Harney JN, Fletcher CH.  2001.  A budget of Holocene carbonate sediments, Kailua Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. :57.
Grottoli A.G.  2007.  Calcification in sclersoponges: implications for reconstructing CO2 fluxes in the tropics. ASLO. :68.
Grottoli A.G.  2006.  Calibration and natural variability of skeletal stable carbon isotopes in the Pacific sclerosponge acanthocheatetes wellsi: implications for reconstructing CO2 uptake in coastal tropical environments. Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Miller K.G, Liu C., Browning J.V, Pekar S., Sugarman P., Van Fossen M.C, Mullikin L., Queen D., Feigenson M.D, Aubry M.P et al..  1996.  Cape May site report. 150X and suppl.:59pp.
Key R.M.  1997.  Changes in the Pacific Ocean distribution of radiocarbon since GEOSECS, 1997. 9
Machette M.N, Marchetti D.W, Thompson R.A, Kirkham R.M.  2007.  Chapter B--Field Trip Day 2: Quaternary Geology of Lake Alamosa and the Costilla Plain, southern Colorado. Quaternary geology of the San Luis Basis, southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico--Rocky Mountain Section Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1193.
Machette M.N, Puseman K..  2007.  Chapter E--Holocene sand deposits in the San Luis Basin, east of Alamosa Colorado. Quaternary geology of the San Luis Basis, southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico--Rocky Mountain Section Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1193.
Schumann R.R, Machette M.N.  2007.  Chapter F--Late Pleistocene to early Holocene paleoecology of the "Mr. Peat" wetland deposit, Alamosa County, Colorado. Quaternary geology of the San Luis Basin, southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico--Rocky Mountain Section Friends of the Pleistocene Guidebook: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1193.
Thorn KA, Islam A, Kim S.  2022.  Characterization of the partial oxidation products of crude oil contaminating groundwater at the U.S. Geological Survey Bemidji research site in Minnesota by elemental analysis, radiocarbon dating, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and Fourier tran. Open-File Report.
Koslow J.A, Thresher R..  1999.  Climate and fisheries on the south east Australian continental shelf and slope (final report).
Grottoli A.G.  2006.  Corals and sclerosponges as geochemical recorders of past climate change. AAPG/SEMP Course 19.
Takahashi R., Millero F.J, Key R.M, Chipman D., Peltola E., Rubin S., Sweeney C., Sutherland S..  2006.  Determination of carbon dioxide, hydrographic and chemical parameters during the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the southern Indian Ocean (WOCE section S041).
Winkler MG.  1996.  The development of Ryder Pond in the Cape Cod National Seashore and determination of the causes of recent Ryder Pondwater chemistry changes. Report. NPS/NESO-RNR/NRTR/97-01:176.
Winkler M.G.  1994.  The development of the Gull Pond Chain of Lakes and the Herring River Basin in the Cape Cod National Seashore. Report.
Adkins C.B, Bartolino J.R.  2010.  Distribution of Isotopic and Environmental Tracers in Groundwater, Northern Ada County, Southwestern Idaho. Scientific Investigations Report. 2010–5144
Overeem I., Syvitski J.PM, al et.  2009.  Dynamics and Vulnerability of Delta Systems. LOICZ Reports & Studies. :54.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  1999.  Environmental changes in the last centure in Little Trout Lake and Inkspot Bay, Lac du Flambeau Tribal Lands, Wisconsin. Preliminary Results Report. :12.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  2000.  Environmental changes in the last centure in Little Trout Lake, Inkspot Bay, Great Corn and Little Corn Lakes, Lac du Flambeau Tribal Lands, Wisconsin. Report. Final Report to Water Resources Division, Lac du Flambeau Tribe:44.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  1998.  Environmental changes since deglaciation in Voyageurs National Park: A summary for park personnel in Holocene Paleoenvironnments in Western Great Lakes Park. Report. 9; Final report:3.
Riggs S.R, Rudolph G.L, Ames D.V.  2000.  Erosional scour and geologic evolution of Croatan Sound, northeastern North Caroline: N.C. FHA/NC/2000-02:115.
Adelson JMichael.  1997.  The evaluation of geochemical indicators of anoxia in the Chesapeak Bay. Report. :214.
Mittelbach G.G, Schemske D.W, Cornell H.V, Allen A.P, Brown J.M, Bush M.B.  2007.  Evolution and latitudinal diversity gradient: Speciation, extinction, and biogeography. Ecology Letters. on-line
