Export 2832 results:
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Wright M.T, Fram M.S, Belitz K..  2015.  Geochemical Conditions and the Occurrence of Selected Trace Elements in Groundwater Basins Used for Public Drinking-Water Supply, Desert and Basin and Range Hydrogeologic Provinces, 2006–11: California GAMA Priority Basin Project. Scientific Investigations Report. 2014–5173(Report)
Goyet C., Healy R., Ryan J..  2000.  Global Distribution of Total Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity Below the Deepest Winter Mixed Layer Depths. ORNIJCDIAC-127 NDP-076
Sabine C.L, Key R.M, Kozyr A., Feely R.A, Wanninkhof R., Millero F.J, Peng T.H, Bullister J.L, Lee K..  2005.  Global ocean data analysis project (GLODAP): Results and data, ORNL/CDIAC-145, NDP-145. :81pp..
Damuth J.E, Olson H.C, Moss G..  2000.  Gulf of Mexico Intraslope Basins (BIB) Phase 1 Project Atlas. :110.
Jackson MA, Bales JR.  2001.  Heart Butte Reservoir 1998-2000 Archeological Investigations, Grant County, North Dakota. in prep
Bush M.B, Silman M.R, de Toledo M.B, Listopad C.RS, Gosling W.D, Williams C., De Oliveira P.E, Krisel C..  2007.  Holocene fire and occupation in Amazonia: Records from two lake districts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Ser. B.
Teeple AP, Ging PB, Thomas JV, Wallace DS, Payne JD.  2021.  Hydrogeologic framework, geochemistry, groundwater-flow system, and aquifer hydraulic properties used in the development of a conceptual model of the Ogallala, Edwards-Trinity (High Plains), and Dockum aquifers in and near Gaines, Terry, and Yoakum Counti. Scientific Investigations Report. :85.
Salamanca M.  1996.  Informe Final: Geocronologia de las aquas subterraneas del Salar Punta Negra, Antofagasta, II Region. Preparado para Minera Escondida Ltda. (Report). :105.
Toom DL.  2002.  Ituhu Site (32SN110) 1995 Archeological Excavations. Anthropology Research, Department of Anthropology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks (Report). in prep
Toom DL.  2008.  ITUHU SITE (32SN110) 1995 Archeological Excavations, Stutsman County, North Dakota. James River Report Number 5. James River Report. University of North Dakota Anthropology Research Contribution No.411
Toom DL.  2002.  James River Archeological Project 1994-2000, Background and General Research Design - Stutsman County, North Dakota. Contribution Nos. 379-381
Jackson ML, Toom DL.  2002.  Keyhole Reservoir 2001 Archeological Site Evaluations, Crook County, Wyoming. in prep
Toom DL.  2002.  Kirschenman III Site (32SN247) 1994 Archeological Excavation. Anthropology Research, Department of Anthropology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks (Report). in prep
Casillas E., Rau G.H, al et.  2002.  Linking vertical advection and diet to juvenile salmon condition and parasite load: A study using 14C, 13C, and 15N. Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
McNichol A.P, Jones G.A.  1991.  Measuring 14C in seawater by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. WOCE Report No. 68/91
von Reden K.F.  1998.  Method and Technology of AMS.
de Toledo M.B, Bush M.B.  2007.  A Mid-Holocene environmental change in Amazonian savannas. Journal of Biogeography. on-line
Winkler M.G.  1994.  The modern limnology of the interdunal Provincelands Ponds in the Cape Cod National Seashore. Technical Report. Final Report. NPS/NAROSS/NRTR-94/20:121.
Ritterbush LW, Logan B.  2006.  The Montana Creek Sites: Archaeological Investigations at Lovewell Reservoir, Jewell County, Kansas-2004.
Grottoli A.G, Adkins J.F, Moots K..  2005.  Natural variability in skeletal growth rate, stable isotopes, and Sr/Ca composition in two species of Pacific sclerosponges (Acnathocheatetes wellsi and Astroclera welleyana). Benthic Ecology Meetings.
Toom DL.  2007.  Naze Site (32SN246) 1994 Archeological Excavations Stutsman County, North Dakota. James River Report Number 4. University of North Dakota Anthropology Research Contribution No.410
Toom DL.  2002.  Nelson Site (32SN113) 2000 Archeological Excavations. Anthropology Research, Department of Anthropology, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks (Report). in prep.
Demopoulos AWJ, Ross SW, Kellogg CA, Morrison CL, Nizinski MS, Prouty NG, Bourque JR, Galkiewicz JP, Gray MA, Springmann MJ et al..  2017.  Open-File ReportOpen-File ReportDeepwater Program: Lophelia II, continuing ecological research on deep-sea corals and deep-reef habitats in the Gulf of Mexico.
Key R.M.  1996.  P16 S17S TUNES-2 final report for AMS 14C samples (Report). Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 96:10.
Key R.M, Quay P..  1996.  P16C TUNES-3 final report for AMS 14C samples (Report). Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 96:9.
