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Conference Paper
Nelson A.R, Kelsey H.M, Hemphill-Haley E, Witter R.C.  2000.  OxCal analyses and varve-based sedimentation rates constrain the times of 14C-dated tsunamis in southern Oregon. Abstract for Geological Society of America Penbrose Conference on Great Cascadia Earthquake Tricentennial Seaside. :87.
Journal Article
Sherrod B.L, Nelson A.R, Kelsey H.M, Brocher T.M, Blakely R.J, Weaver C.S, Rountree N.K, Rhea S., Jackson B.S.  2003.  The Catfish Lake scarp: preliminary field data and implications for earthquake hazards posed by the Tacoma fault. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. 03-0455:11p..
Nelson A.R, Johnson S.Y, Wells R.E, Kelsey H.M, Pezzopane S.K, Sherrod B.L, Bradley L.A, Iii KRD, Bucknam R.C, Haugerud R.A et al..  2002.  Field and laboratory data from an earthquake history study of the Toe Jam Hill fault, Bainbridge Island, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. 02-60:37p..
Nelson A.R, Johnson S.Y, Wells R.E, Pezzopane S.K, Kelsey H.M, Sherrod B.L, Bradley L.A, Koehler, III R.D, Bucknam R.C, Haugerud R.A et al..  2002.  Field and Laboratory data from an earthquake history study of the Toe Jam Hill fault, Bainbridge Island, Washington. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-60. :2platesand37pages.
Nelson A.R, Kelsey H.M, Witter R.C.  2006.  Great earthquakes of variable magnitude at the Cascadia subduction zone. Quaternary Research. 65(3):354-365.
Sherrod B.L, Brocher T.M, Weaver C.S, Bucknam R.C, Blakely R.J, Kelsey H.M, Nelson A.R, Haugerud R..  2004.  Holocene fault scarps near Tacoma, Washington, USA. Geology. 32(1):9-12.
Nelson A.R, Pezzopane S.K, Bucknam R.C, Koehler R.D, Narwold C.F, Kelsey H.M, Sherrod B.L, LaPrade W.T, Wells R.E, Johnson S.Y.  1999.  Holocene surface faulting in the Seattle fault zone, Bainbridge Island, Washington. Seismological Research Letters. 70(2):233.
Nelson A.R, Johnson S.Y, Kelsey H.M, Wells R.E, Sherrod B.L, Pezzopane S.K, Bradley L.A, Koehler R.D, Bucknam R.C.  2003.  Late Holocene earthquakes on the Toe Jam Hill fault, Seattle fault zone, Bainbridge Island, Washington. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 115(11):1388-1403.
Ollerhead J., Huntley D.J, Nelson A.R, Kelsey H.M.  2001.  Optical dating of tsunami-laid sand from an Oregon coastal lake. Quaternary Science Reviews. 20(18):1915-1926.
Nelson A.R, Johnson S.Y, Pezzopane S.K, Wells R.E, Kelsey H.M, Sherrod B.L, Koehler R.D, Bradley L.A, Bucknam R.C, LaPrade W.T et al..  2000.  Postglacial and Late Holocene earthquakes on the Toe Jam strand of the Seattle fault, Bainbridge Island Washington. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 32:A-58.
C. Pre G, Horton B.P, Kelsey H.M, Rubin C.M, Hawkes A.D, Daryono M., Rosenberg G., Culver S.J.  2012.  Stratigraphic evidence for an early Holocene earthquake in Aceh, Indonesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 54:142-151.
Kelsey H.M, Nelson A.R, Hemphill-Haley E., Witter R.C.  2005.  Tsunami history of an Oregon coastal lake reveals a 4600 yr record of great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 117(7-8):1009-1032.