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von Reden K.F, Donoghue J., Elder K., Gagnon A., Gerlach D., Griffin V., Healy R., Long P., McNichol A., Percy D. et al..  2002.  Plans for expanded 14C analyses at the NOSAMS facility - a status and progress report. International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.
McHugh C.MG, Olson H.C.  2002.  Pleistocene chronology of continental margin sedimentation: New insights into traditional models, New Jersey. Marine Geology. 186(3-4):389-411.
Reddy C.M, Pearson A., Xu L., McNichol A.P, Benner B.A, Wise S.A, Klouda G.A, Currie L.A, Eglinton T.I.  2002.  Radiocarbon as a tool to apportion the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and black carbon in environmental samples. Environmental Science & Technology. 36(8):1774-1782.
Donoghue JC, Hayes JM, Manganini SJ, Francois R.  2002.  Radiocarbon dates bason on organic matter in diatom frustules, Abstract. EOS. Trans. AGU. 83(4)
Mathur U.B, Pandey D.K.  2002.  Radiocarbon Dates of Corals, Gastropods and Forminifers from Saurashtra Peninsula, Gujarat and Their Implications for Sea-level Studies. Journal Geological Society of India. 60:303-308.
Colman S.M, Baucom P.C, Bratton J.F, Cronin T.M, McGeehin J.P, Willard D., Zimmerman A.R, Vogt P.R.  2002.  Radiocarbon dating, chronologic framework, and changes in accumulation rates of Holocene estuarine sediments from Chesapeake Bay. Quaternary Research. 57(1):58-70.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Ohkouchi N, Grootes PM, Muller PJ, Rullkotter J, Schneider RR.  2002.  Radiocarbon dating of alkenones in sediments from the Namibian continental margin. European Geophysical Society, XXVII General Assembly.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Ohkouchi N, Grootes PM, Muller PJ, Rullkotter J, Schneider RR.  2002.  Radiocarbon dating of alkenones in sediments from the Namibian continental margin. European Geophysical Society, XXVII General Assembly.
Lambert D.M, Ritchie P.A, Millar C.D, Holland B., Drummond A.J, Baroni C..  2002.  Rates of evolution in ancient DNA from Adelie penguins. Science. 295(5563):2270-3.
Liu J.P, Milliman J.D, Gao S..  2002.  The Shandong mud wedge and post-glacial sediment accumulation in the Yellow Sea. Geo-Marine Letters. 21(4):212-218.
Brown E.T, Bendick R., Bourles D.L, Gaur V., Molnar P., Raisbeck G.M, Yiou F..  2002.  Slip rates of the Karakorum fault, Ladakh, India, determined using cosmic ray exposure dating of debris flows and moraines. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. 107(B9):ESE7-1–ESE7-13.
Mateo M.A, Renom P., Julià R., Romero J., Michener R..  2002.  An unexplored sedimentary record for the study of environmental change in Mediterranean environments: Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile peats. The Study of Environmental Change Using Isotope Techniques. IAEA C&S Papers Series. :163-173.
Mateo M.A, Renom P., Julià R., Romero J., Michener R..  2002.  An unexplored sedimentary record for the study of environmental change in Mediterranean environments: Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile peats. The Study of Environmental Change Using Isotope Techniques. IAEA C&S Papers Series. :163-173.
Moros M., Kuijpers A., Snowball I., Lassen S., Backstrom D., Gingele F., McManus J.F.  2002.  Were glacial iceberg surges in the North Atlantic triggered by global climatic warming? Marine Geology. 192(4):393-417.
Moros M., Kuijpers A., Snowball I., Lassen S., Backstrom D., Gingele F., McManus J.F.  2002.  Were glacial iceberg surges in the North Atlantic triggered by global climatic warming? Marine Geology. 192(4):393-417.
Key R.M, Quay P.D, Schlosser P., McNichol A.P, von Reden K.F, Schneider R.J, Elder K.L, Stuiver M., Ostlund H.G.  2002.  WOCE radiocarbon IV: Pacific Ocean results; P10, P13N, P14C, P18, P19 & S4P. Radiocarbon. 44(1):239-392.
Vermoere M., Vanhecke L., Paulissen E., Waelkens M., Smets E..  2002.  Woodlands in ancient and modern times in the territory of Sagalassos. Sagalassos VI. Report on the survey and excavation campaigns of 1998, 1999 and 2000. 14
Hughen K.A, Lehman S.J, Southon J., Overpeck J.T, Marchal O., Herring C., Turnbull J..  2003.  14C activity and global carbon cycle changes over the past 50,000 years. Abstracts, 18th International Radiocarbon Conf..
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Freudenthal T, Lamy F.  2003.  Alkenone radiocarbon stratigraphy at high resolution continental margin sites. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly.
McManus J.F, Oppo D.W, Cullen J.L, Healey S.L.  2003.  Analog for Holocene and future Climate? Geophysical Monograph 137, Earth's Climate and Orbital Eccentricity: The Marine Isotope State 11 Questions. :69-85.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Ohkouchi N, Schneider RR, Muller PJ, Grootes PM, Rullkotter J.  2003.  Asynchronous alkenone and foraminifera records from the Benguela Upwelling System. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 67(12):2157-2171.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Ohkouchi N, Schneider RR, Muller PJ, Grootes PM, Rullkotter J.  2003.  Asynchronous alkenone and foraminifera records from the Benguela Upwelling System. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 67(12):2157-2171.
Chung S.N, Lee K., Feely R.A, Sabine C.L, Millero F.J, Wanninkhof R., Bullister J.L, Key R.M, Peng T.H.  2003.  Calcium carbonate budget in the Atlantic Ocean based on water column inorganic carbon chemistry. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 17(4)
Lugolobi F., Varekamp J.C, Thomas E., Brink M.LBuchhol, Mecray E..  2003.  Carbon cycling in Long Island Sound over the last 1000 years. AGU, Fall meeting.
Quay P., Sonnerup R., Westby T., Stutsman J., McNichol A..  2003.  Changes in the 13C/12C of dissolved inorganic carbon in the ocean as a tracer of anthropogenic CO2 uptake. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 17:1-4.
