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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Gagnon A.R, McNichol A., Donoghue J.C, Merkle K.M, Morin T.J.  1997.  The NOSAMS sample preparation laboratory: overview of systems and techniques. 16th International Radiocarbon Conference. :50.
Key R.M, Quay P.D.  1997.  P13N final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Technical Report. 97(3):11.
Key R.M.  1997.  P14C final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 97(4):10.
Key R.M.  1997.  P16A17A final report for AMS 14C samples. Ocean Tracer Laboratory Tech. Report. 97(2):10.
Schlegel MAnn.  1997.  Paleoceanographic Variability on a Millennial Scale: A High Resolution Record of the Latest Deglaciation from the Blake Outer Ridge, Western North Atlantic, Thesis. MS
Balco G., Belknap D.F, Kelley J.T.  1997.  Paleoclimatic implications of Holocene lake-level fluctuations, Owasco Lake, New York: Comment. Geology. 25(4):383-383.
Julius M.L, Stoermer E.F, Colman S.M, Moore T.C.  1997.  Paleoclimatic implications of silicieous microfossil succession in late Quaternary sediments in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology. 18:187-204.
Winkler M.G.  1997.  Paleocology research in Great Lakes (U.S.A.)National Parks. Abstracts for American Society of Limnology and Oceanography.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  1997.  Paleoecological research at Isle Royale, Apostle Islands, and Voyageurs National Parks. Report. :85.
Allen J.R, Boothroyd J..  1997.  Paleogeography and sedimentary evolution of Nauset Marsh estuary, Cape Cod, MA. Final Report to the National Park Service.
Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  1997.  Paleolimnology research at Isle Royale, Apostle Island, and Voyageurs National Parks. USGS Biological Resources Division, Global Change Research Program. Summary Report
Cullen H..  1997.  Possible role of climate in the collapse of the Akkadian Empire: evidence from Gulf of Oman marine sediments. AGU Fall Meeting.
Snyder J.A, Forman S.L, Mode W.N, Tarasov G.A.  1997.  Postglacial relative sea level history from sediment and diatom rcords of emerged coastal lakes, north-central Kola Peninsula, Russia. Boreas. 26:329-346.
Marchitto T.M, Jones G.A, Goodfriend G.A, Weidman C.R, Jirikowic J..  1997.  Precise temporal correlation of Holocene mollusc shells using sclerochronology. Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology.
Cole K., Winkler M.G, Sanford P.R.  1997.  Preliminary paleoecology study of Salt Pond and Nauset Lagoon, Cape Cod National Seashore (Report). Final Report:40.
Members B.DDrillin.  1997.  Preliminary results of the first drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37:3-17.
Colman S., Grachev M., Hearn P., Horie S., Kawai T., Kuzmin M., Logachov N., Fialkov V., Gorigljad A., Tomilov B. et al..  1997.  Preliminary results of the first scientific drilling on Lake Baikal, Buguldeika site, southeastern Siberia. Quaternary International. 37(17 March):3-17.
Lallier-Verges E., Hayes J.M, Boussafir M., Zaback D.A, Tribovillard N.P, Connan J., Bertrand P..  1997.  Productivity-induced sulphur enrichment of hydrocarbon-rich sediments from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. Chem Geol. 134:277-88.
Meadows M.E, Dingle R.V, Rogers J., Mills E.G.  1997.  Radiocarbon chronology of Namaqualand mudbelt sediments: problems and prospects. South African Journal of Science. 93(7):321-327.
French P.L.  1997.  Radiolarian Population Changes in the Glacial-Deglacial North Atlantic Ocean: Evidence for Changes in Ocean Circulation, Thesis. M. S.
Stanley D.J, Goodfriend G.A.  1997.  Recent subsidence of the northern Suez canal. Nature. 388(6640):335-336.
Sluyter A..  1997.  Regional, Holocene records of the human dimension of global change: Sea-level and land-use change in prehistoric Mexico. Global and Planetary Change. 14(3-4):127-146.
Elder K.L, Gagnon A.R, McNichol A.P.  1997.  Reproducibility of 14C AMS analyses at NOSAMS. 16th International Radiocarbon Conference. :45.
Mabote M., Rogers J., Meadows M.E.  1997.  Sedimentology of terrigenous mud from the Orange River delta and the inner shelf off Namaqualand, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal. 79(2):108-114.
Goñi M.A, Ruttenberg K.C, Eglinton T.I.  1997.  Source and contribution of terrigenous organic carbon to surface sediments in the Gulf of Mexico. Nature. 389(6648):275-278.
