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Quay P.D, Sonnerup T., Westby J., Stutsman J., McNichol A.P.  2003.  Changes of the 13C/12C of dissolved inorganic carbon in the ocean as a tracer of anthropogenic C)2 uptake. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 17(1004)
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Schneider RR, Meggers H, Lamy F, Ohkouchi N, Hayes JM.  2003.  Compound specific radiocarbon dating of alkenones: methodological considerations and applications in paleoceanography. 18th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Schneider RR, Meggers H, Lamy F, Ohkouchi N, Hayes JM.  2003.  Compound specific radiocarbon dating of alkenones: methodological considerations and applications in paleoceanography. 18th International Radiocarbon Conference.
Veizer J., Mackenzie F.T.  2003.  Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks. Treatise on Geochemistry. 7:369-407.
Tanner R.L, Parker W.J, McNichol A.P.  2003.  Fossil Sources of Ambient Aerosol Carbon Based on 14C Measurements. Aerosol Science and Technology.
Kennett D.J, Anderson A.J, Prebble M., Conte E..  2003.  La colonisation et les fortifications de Rapa. Bilan de la recherche archeologique en Polynesie francaise.
Lidke D.J, Johnson S.Y, McCory P.A, Personius S.F, Nelson A.R, Dart R.L, Bradley L.A, Haller K.M, Machette M.N.  2003.  Map and data for Quaternary faults and folds in Washington State. Geological Survey Open-File Report.
Lidke D.J, Johnson S.Y, McCory P.A, Personius S.F, Nelson A.R, Dart R.L, Bradley L.A, Haller K.M, Machette M.N.  2003.  Map and data for Quaternary faults and folds in Washington State. Geological Survey Open-File Report.
Varekamp J.C, Kreulen B., Brink M.RB ten, Mecray E.L.  2003.  Mercury contamination chronologies from Connecticut wetlands and Long Island Sound sediments. Environmental Geology. 43(3):268-282.
Ahagon N., Ohkushi K., Uchida M., Mishima T..  2003.  Mid-depth circulation in the northwest Pacific during the last deglaciation: Evidence from foraminiferal radiocarbon ages. Geophysical Research Letters. 30(21):2-1-2-4.
Oppo D.W, McManus J.F, Cullen J.L.  2003.  Palaeo-oceanography: Deepwater variability in the Holocene epoch. Nature. 422(6929):277.
Matsumoto K., Lynch-Stieglitz J..  2003.  Persistence of Gulf Stream separation during the Last Glacial Period: Implications for current separation theories. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. 108(C6)
Morigi C., Capotondi L., Giglio F., Langone L., Brilli M., Turi B., Ravaioli M..  2003.  A possible record of the Younger Dryas event in deep-sea sediments of the Southern Ocean (Pacific sector). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 198(1-2):265-278.
Motyka R.J.  2003.  Post little ice age uplift at Juneau, Alaska reconstructed from dendrochronology and geomorphology. Quaternary Research. 59:300-309.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Hayes JM, Keinast M, Lamy F, Meggers H, Schneider RR.  2003.  Radiocarbon ages of marine biomarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins. AGU Fall Meeting 2003.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Hayes JM, Keinast M, Lamy F, Meggers H, Schneider RR.  2003.  Radiocarbon ages of marine biomarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins. AGU Fall Meeting 2003.
Cagatay M.N, Gorur N., Polonia A., Demirbag E., Sakinc M., Cormier M.H, Capotondi L., McHugh C., Emre O., Eris K..  2003.  Sea-level changes and depositional environments in the Izmit Gulf, eastern Marmara Sea, during the late glacial-Holocene period. Marine Geology. 202(3-4):159-173.
Hughen K., Lehman S., Southon J., Overpeck J., Marchal O., Herring C., Turnbull J..  2004.  14C activity and global carbon cycle changes over the past 50,000 years. Science. 303(5655):202-7.
Tanner R.L, Parkhurst W.J, McNichol A.P.  2004.  14C Measurements. Aerosol Science & Technol. 38(S1):133-139.
Hughen K.A, Eglinton T.I, Xu L., Makou M..  2004.  Abrupt tropical vegetation response to rapid climate changes. Science. 304(5679):1955-9.
Mollenhauer G, Eglinton TI, Hayes JM.  2004.  Advective controls on the age of marine sedimentary organic matter. Gordon Research Conference Organic Geochemistry.
Normark W.R, McGann M., Sliter R..  2004.  Age of the Palos Verdes submarine debris avalanche, southern California. Marine Geology. 203:247-259.
Yoneda M, Shibata Y, Tanaka A, Uehiro T, Morita M, Uchida M, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi C, Suzuki R, Miyamoto K et al..  2004.  AMS 14C measurement and preparative techniques at NIES-TERRA. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 223-224:116-123.
Yoneda M, Shibata Y, Tanaka A, Uehiro T, Morita M, Uchida M, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi C, Suzuki R, Miyamoto K et al..  2004.  AMS 14C measurement and preparative techniques at NIES-TERRA. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 223-224:116-123.
Minor R, Nelson AR.  2004.  Artifacts from a submerged prehistoric site on the Coos Bay Estuary, southern Oregon coast. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. 24(1):41-52.
