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Mollenhauer G., Eglinton T.I, HopmanSd E.C, Damste J.SS.  2008.  A radiocarbon-based assessment of the preservation characteristics of crenarchaeol and alkenones from continental margin sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 39(8):1039-1045.
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Keigwin L.D, Donnelly J.P, Cook M.S, Driscoll N.W, Brigham-Grette J..  2006.  Rapid sea-level rise and Holocene climate in the Chukchi Sea. Geology. 34(10):861-864.
Keigwin L.D, Donnelly J.P, Cook M.S, Driscoll N.W, Brigham-Grette J..  2006.  Rapid sea-level rise and Holocene climate in the Chukchi Sea. Geology. 34(10):861-864.
Donnelly J.P, Bertness M.D.  2001.  Rapid shoreward encroachment of salt marsh cordgrass in response to accelerated sea-level rise. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 98(25):14218-23.
Kirwan M.L, Murray A.B, Donnelly J.P, Corbett D.R.  2011.  Rapid wetland expansion during European settlement and its implication for marsh survival under modern sediment delivery rates. Geology. 39(5):507-510.
Lambert D.M, Ritchie P.A, Millar C.D, Holland B., Drummond A.J, Baroni C..  2002.  Rates of evolution in ancient DNA from Adelie penguins. Science. 295(5563):2270-3.
Toomey MR, Curry WB, Donnelly JP, van Hengstum PJ.  2013.  Reconstructing 7000 years of North Atlantic hurricane variability using deep-sea sediment cores from the western Great Bahama Bank. Paleoceanography. 28(1):31-41.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Woodruff JD.  2013.  Reconstructing mid-late Holocene cyclone variability in the Central Pacific using sedimentary records from Tahaa, French Polynesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 77:181-189.
Toomey MR, Donnelly JP, Woodruff JD.  2013.  Reconstructing mid-late Holocene cyclone variability in the Central Pacific using sedimentary records from Tahaa, French Polynesia. Quaternary Science Reviews. 77:181-189.
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Woodruff J.D, Donnelly J.P, Mohrig D., Geyer W.R.  2008.  Reconstructing relative flooding intensities responsible for hurricane-induced deposits from Laguna Playa Grande, Vieques, Puerto Rico. Geology. 36(5):391-394.
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Hall B.L., Koffman T., Denton G.H..  2010.  Reduced ice extent on the western Antarctic Peninsula at 700–970 cal. yr B.P.. Geology. 38(7):635-638.
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Hall B., Baroni C., Denton G., Kelly M.A, Lowell T..  2008.  Relative sea-level change, Kjove Land, Scoresby Sund, East Greenland: implications for seasonality in Younger Dryas time. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27(25-26):2283-2291.
Hall B.L, Baroni C., Denton G.H.  2010.  Relative sea-level changes, Schuchert Dal, East Greenland, with implications for ice extent in late-glacial and Holocene times. Quaternary Science Reviews. 29(25-26):3370-3378.
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