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Canuel E.A, Lerberg E.J, Dickhut R.M, Kuehl S.A, Bianchi T.S, Wakeham S.G.  2009.  Changes in sediment and organic carbon accumulation in a highly-disturbed ecosystem: The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (California, USA). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 59(4-7):154-163.
Bart PJ, DeCesare M, Rosenheim BE, Majewski W, McGlannan A.  2018.  A centuries-long delay between a paleo-ice-shelf collapse and grounding-line retreat in the Whales Deep Basin, eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Scientific Reports. 8(1)
Newby PE, Shuman BN, Donnelly JP, Karnauskas KB, Marsicek J.  2014.  Centennial-to-millennial hydrologic trends and variability along the North Atlantic Coast, USA, during the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters. 41(12):4300-4307.
Freimuth EJ, Diefendorf AF, Lowell TV, Schartman AK, Landis JD, Stewart AK, Bates BR.  2021.  Centennial-scale age offsets of plant wax n-alkanes in Adirondack lake sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 300:119-136.
Donnelly J.P, Driscoll N., Uchupi E., Keigwin L., Schwab W., Thieler E.R, Swift S..  2005.  Catastrophic meltwater discharge down the Hudson River Valley: A potential trigger for the Intra-Allerod cold period. Geology. 33:89-92.
Donnelly J.P, Driscoll N., Uchupi E., Keigwin L., Schwab W., Thieler E.R, Swift S..  2005.  Catastrophic meltwater discharge down the Hudson River Valley: A potential trigger for the Intra-Allerod cold period. Geology. 33:89-92.
Nadeau M-J, Grootes PM, Voelker A, Bruhn F, Duhr A, Oriwall A.  2001.  Carbonate 14C Background: Does it have Multiple Personalities? Radiocarbon. 43(2A):169-176.
Pancost R.D, Damste J.SS.  2003.  Carbon isotopic compositions of prokaryotic lipids as tracers of carbon cycling in diverse settings. Chemical Geology. 195(1-4):29-58.
Druffel E.R, Grottoli A.G, Gille S.T, Dunbar R.B.  2001.  Carbon Isotope Ratios of Organic Compound Fractions Separated From Sinking Particulate Organic Matter at a Deep Sea Station in the Northeast Pacific. EOS.
Druffel E.R, Grottoli A.G, Gille S.T, Dunbar R.B.  2001.  Carbon Isotope Ratios of Organic Compound Fractions Separated From Sinking Particulate Organic Matter at a Deep Sea Station in the Northeast Pacific. EOS.
Masiello C.A, Druffel E.RM.  2001.  Carbon isotope geochemistry of the Santa Clara River. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 15(2):407-416.
Striegl R.G, Dornblaser M.M, Aiken G.R, Wickland K.P, Raymond P.A.  2007.  Carbon export and cycling by the York, Tanana and Porcupine Rivers, Alaska, 2001-2005. Water Resources Res.. 43
Boldt KV, Lane P, Woodruff JD, Donnelly JP.  2010.  Calibrating a sedimentary record of overwash from Southeastern New England using modeled historic hurricane surges. Marine Geology. 275(1-4):127-139.
Purinton B.L, DeMaster D.J, Thomas C.J, Smith C.R.  2008.  C-14 as a tracer of labile organic matter in Antarctic benthic food webs. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography. 55(22-23):2438-2450.
Andrews AH, Siciliano D, Potts DC, DeMartini EE, Covarrubias S.  2016.  Bomb Radiocarbon and the Hawaiian Archipelago: Coral, Otoliths, and SeawaterAbstract. Radiocarbon. 58(03):531-548.
Hwang J, Druffel ERM.  2005.  Blank correction for Delta 14C measurements in organic compound classes of oceanic particulate matter. Radiocarbon. 47(1):75-87.
Beaufort L., de Garidel-Thoron T., Linsley B., Oppo D., Buchet N..  2003.  Biomass burning and oceanic primary production estimates in the Sulu Sea area over the last 380 kyr and the East Asian monsoon dynamics. Marine Geology. 201(1-3):53-65.
Alin S.R, Aalto R., Goñi M.A, Richey J.E, Dietrich W.E.  2008.  Biogeochemical characterization of carbon sources in the strickland and fly rivers, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. 113(F1)
Gupta AK, Das M, Clemens SC, Mukherjee B.  2008.  Benthic foraminiferal faunal and isotopic changes as recorded in Holocene sediments of the northwest Indian Ocean. Paleoceanography. 23(2):PA2214-PA2214.
Kelly M.A, Lowell T.V, Hall B.L, Schaefer J.M, Finkel R.C, Goehring B.M, Alley R.B, Denton G.H.  2008.  A Be-10 chronology of lateglacial and Holocene mountain glaciation in the Scoresby Sund region, east Greenland: implications for seasonality during lateglacial time. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27(25-26):2273-2282.
Donnelly J.P, Butler J., Roll S., Wengren M., Webb T..  2004.  A backbarrier overwash record of intense storms from Brigantine, New Jersey. Marine Geology. 210(1-4):107-121.
Gagnon A.R, McNichol A.P, Hutton D.L, Osborne E.A, Donoghue J.C.  1996.  Automated systems and techniques utilized at the NOSAMS sample preparation laboratory: An update of productivity and quality issues. Radiocarbon. 38(1):38-39.
Lynch-Stieglitz J., Adkins J.F, Curry W.B, Dokken T., Hall I.R, Herguera J.C, Hirschi J.JM, Ivanova E.V, Kissel C., Marchal O. et al..  2007.  Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science. 316(5821):66-69.
Mann M.E, Woodruff J.D, Donnelly J.P, Zhang Z.H.  2009.  Atlantic hurricanes and climate over the past 1,500 years. Nature. 460(7257):880-U115.
Jackson MS, Hall BL, Denton GH.  2018.  Asynchronous behavior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and local glaciers during and since Termination 1, Salmon Valley, Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 482:396-406.
