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Longworth BE, Robinson LF, Roberts ML, Beaupré SR, Burke A, Jenkins W.J.  2013.  Carbonate as sputter target material for rapid C-14 AMS. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 294:328-334.
Patrut A, von Reden KF, Lowy DA, Mayne DH, Elder KE, Roberts ML, McNichol AP.  2010.  Comparative AMS radiocarbon dating of pretreated versus non-pretreated tropical wood samples. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 268(7-8):910-913.
von Reden KF, Roberts ML, McIntyre CP, Burton JR.  2011.  Design and reality: Continuous-flow accelerator mass spectrometry (CFAMS). Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART10). 269(24):3176-3179.
Plante AF, Beaupré SR, Roberts ML, Baisden T.  2013.  Distribution of Radiocarbon Ages in Soil Organic Matter by Thermal Fractionation. Radiocarbon. 55(2-3):1077-1083.
Longworth BE, von Reden KF, Long P, Roberts ML.  2015.  A high output, large acceptance injector for the NOSAMS Tandetron AMS system. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 361:211-216.
Roberts ML, Beaupré SR, Burton JR.  2013.  A High-Throughput, Low-Cost Method for Analysis of Carbonate Samples for C-14. Radiocarbon. 55(2-3):585-592.