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Smittenberg R.H, Baas M., Schouten S., Sinninghe-Damste J.S.  2005.  The demise of the alga Botryococcus Braunii from a Norwegian fjord is due to early eutrophication. The Holocene. 15:133-140.
Smittenberg R.H, Eglinton T.I, Schouten S., Sinninghe-Damste J.S.  2006.  Ongoing build-up of refractory organic carbon in boreal soils during the Holocene. Science. 314:1283-1286.
Smittenberg R.H, Hopmans E.C, Eglinton T.I, Hayes J.M, Whiticar M.J, Schouten S., Damsté J.SSinning.  2001.  Validation of compound-specific 14C dating using the varved sedimentary record of Saanich Inlet, Canada. Proceedings of the 20th international meeting on organic geochemistry.
Smittenberg R.H, Hopmans E.C, Schouten S., Sinninghe-Damste J.S.  2002.  Rapid isolation of biomarkers for compound specific radiocarbon dating using high-performance liquid chromatography and flow injection analysis - atmoospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 978:127-140.
Smittenberg R.H, Baas M., Green M.J, Hopmans E.C, Schouten S., Damste J.SS.  2005.  Pre- and post-industrial environmental changes as revealed by the biogeochemical sedimentary record of Drammensfjord, Norway. Marine Geology. 214(1-3):177-200.
Smittenberg R.H, Hopmans E.C, Schouten S., Hayes J.M, Eglinton T.I, Damste J.SS.  2004.  Compound-specific radiocarbon dating of the varved Holocene sedimentary record of Saanich Inlet, Canada. Paleoceanography. 19(2)