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Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Vellanoweth RL.  2008.  A canyon through time : archaeology, history, and ecology of the Tecolote Canyon area, Santa Barbara County, California.
Miller K.G, Liu C., Browning J.V, Pekar S., Sugarman P., Van Fossen M.C, Mullikin L., Queen D., Feigenson M.D, Aubry M.P et al..  1996.  Cape May site report. 150X and suppl.:59pp.
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Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Vellanoweth RL, Largaespada T.  2004.  CA-SMI-548: A 9500 year old shell midden at Running Springs, San Miquel Island, California. Emerging from the Ice Age: Early Holocene Occupations on the Central California Coast. 17:81-92.
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Erlandson JM, Vellanoweth RL, Rick TC, Batterson MR.  2005.  Coastal foraging at Otter Cave: a 6600 year old shell midden on San Miquel Island, California. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. 25:69-86.
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