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Book Chapter
Mateo M.A, Cebrián J., Dunton K., Mutchler T..  2006.  Carbon flux in seagrass ecosystems. Seagrasses: Biology, Ecology and Conservation.. :157-191.
Bauer J.E.  2002.  Carbon isotopic composition of DOM. Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter. :405-453.
Erlandson JM, Rick TC, Vellanoweth RL, Largaespada T.  2004.  CA-SMI-548: A 9500 year old shell midden at Running Springs, San Miquel Island, California. Emerging from the Ice Age: Early Holocene Occupations on the Central California Coast. 17:81-92.
Kelsey HM, Witter RC.  2020.  Chapter 30 - Radiocarbon dating of tsunami and storm deposits. Geological Records of Tsunamis and Other Extreme Waves. :663-685.
Giggenbach W.F.  1996.  Chemical Composition of Volcanic Gases. Monitoring and Mitigation of Volcano Hazards. :221-256.
Goodfriend G.A, Halfar J., Godinez-Orta L..  2000.  Chronostratigraphy of sediments in the southern Gulf of California, based on amino acid racemization analysis of mollusks and rhodolith (Book Section). Perspectives in Amino Acid and Protein Geochemistry. :320-330.
Curtis J.H, Brenner M., Hodell D.A.  2001.  Climate change in the circum-Caribbean (late Pleistocene-to-Present) and implications for regional biogeography. Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives, 2nd Edition. :35-54.
Hodell D.A, Brenner M., Curtis J.H.  2000.  Climate change in the northern American tropics since the last ice age: implications for environment and culture (Book Section). Imperfect Balance: Landscape transformations in the Precolumbian Americas. :13-38.
Roberts M.L.  2005.  Computer Control. Electrostatic accelerators: fundamentals and applications. :328.
Schneider R.J, von Reden K.F.  1998.  A Correction for Aberrations in the Woods Hole Recombinator. Symposium of North-Eastern Accelerator Personnel, SNEAP 1996. :123-128.
Palme H., H. O'Neill SC.  2003.  Cosmochemical Estimates of Mantle Composition. Treatise on Geochemistry. 2:1-38.
Riggs S.R.  1999.  Coupled inner shelf--shoreline sediment responses to small-scale Holocene sea-level fluctuations; North Carolina coastal zone. The non-steady state of the inner shelf and shoreline: coastal change on the time scale of decades to millennia in the late Quaternary. :165-167.
Hine A.C, Brooks G.R, Mallinson D., Brunner C.A, James N.P, Feary D.A, Holbourn A.E, Drexler T.M, Howd P..  2002.  Data report: Australian Bight. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results. 182:1-24(online).
Dorion C.C, Kaplan M.R, Kreutz K.J, Balco G., Wright J., Borns, Jr. H.W.  2001.  The deglaciation of eastern Maine: in Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada. Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada.
Hsieh Y.P.  2004.  Dynamics of tidal salt barren formation and the record of present-day sea level change. The Ecogeomorphology of Tidal Marshes, American Geophysical Union. :231-245.
Kennett D.J, Conlee C.A.  2003.  Emergence of Late Holocene sociopolitical complexity on Santa Rosa and San Miquel Islands. Catalist to Complexity: The Late Holocene Archaeology of the California Coast: Perspectives in California Archaeology.
Kennett D.J, Voorhies B., Martorana D..  2006.  An evolutionary model for the origins of agriculture on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico. Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture.
Erlandson JM, Braje TJ.  2012.  Exploring human subsistence at CA-SMI-575NE: An 8400-year-old shell midden on San Miguel Island, California. Exploring Methods of Faunal Analysis: Insights from California Archaeology.
Shennan I., Long A.J., Horton B.E..  2015.  Field techniques for sea-level reconstruction - Coastal sediment. Handbook of Sea-Level Research. :218-272.
Kennett D.J, Clifford R..  2004.  Flexible strategies for resource defense on the northern channel islands of California: An agent-based model. The Archaeology of Insularity: Examining the Past in Island Environments. :21-50.
Mercader J..  2002.  Foragers of the Congo: the early settlement of the Ituri forest. Under the Canopy: The Archaeology of Tropical Rain Forests. :93-116.
Hayes JM.  2001.  Fractionation of the isotopes of carbon and hydrogen in biosynthetic processes. Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 43:225-278.
Valero-Garces B.L, C. Bono M, Kelts K..  1998.  Geoforma Ediciones, Logrono, Barcelona. Investigaciones recientes de la Geomorfologia esponola.
Inam A., Clift P.D, Giosan L..  2007.  The Geographic, Geological and Oceanographic Setting of the Indus River. Large Rivers.
Weddle T.K, Lowell T.V, Dorion C.C.  1994.  Glacial geology of the Penobscot River basin between Millinocket and Medway (Book Section). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in North Central Maine. :193-212.
