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Degnan JR, Lindsey BD, Levitt JP, Szabo Z.  2020.  The relation of geogenic contaminants to groundwater age, aquifer hydrologic position, water type, and redox conditions in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern and south-central USA. Science of The Total Environment. 723:137835.
Fang L, Lee SH, Lee S-A, Hahm D, Kim G, Druffel ERM, Hwang J.  2020.  Removal of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. Scientific Reports. 10(1)
Tesi T., Belt S.T., Gariboldi K., Muschitiello F., Smik L., Finocchiaro F., Giglio F., Colizza E., Gazzurra G., Giordano P. et al..  2020.  Resolving sea ice dynamics in the north-western Ross Sea during the last 2.6 ka: From seasonal to millennial timescales. Quaternary Science Reviews. 237:106299.
Hurwitz S, Peek SE, Pigati J, Honke J, Damby DE, Stricker CA, King J.  2020.  Silicified wood from around Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park: U.S. Geological Survey data release.
Amitai Y, Yam R, Montagna P, Devoti S, Correa MLópez, Shemesh A.  2020.  Spatial and temporal variability in Mediterranean climate over the last millennium from vermetid isotope records and CMIP5/PMIP3 models. Global and Planetary Change. 189:103159.
Schartman AK, Diefendorf AF, Lowell TV, Freimuth EJ, Stewart AK, Landis JD, Bates BR.  2020.  Stable source of Holocene spring precipitation recorded in leaf wax hydrogen-isotope ratios from two New York lakes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 240:106357.
Hurwitz S, King JC, Pederson GT, Martin JT, Damby DE, Manga M, Hungerford JDG, Peek S.  2020.  Yellowstone's Old Faithful Geyser Shut Down by a Severe Thirteenth Century Drought. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(20):e2020GL089871.
Corbett LB, Bierman PR, Wright SF, Shakun JD, P. Davis T, Goehring BM, Halsted CT, Koester AJ, Caffee MW, Zimmerman SR.  2019.  Analysis of multiple cosmogenic nuclides constrains Laurentide Ice Sheet history and process on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont's highest peak. Quaternary Science Reviews. 205:234-246.
Levitt JP, Degnan JR, Flanagan SM, Jurgens BC.  2019.  Arsenic variability and groundwater age in three water supply wells in southeast New Hampshire. Geoscience Frontiers. 10(5):1669-1683.
Naughton F., Costas S., Gomes S.D., Desprat S., Rodrigues T., Goñi M.F.Sanchez, Renssen H., Trigo R., Bronk-Ramsey C., Oliveira D. et al..  2019.  Coupled ocean and atmospheric changes during Greenland stadial 1 in southwestern Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews. 212:108-120.
Vachula RS, Huang Y, Longo WM, Dee SG, Daniels WC, Russell JM.  2019.  Evidence of Ice Age humans in eastern Beringia suggests early migration to North America. Quaternary Science Reviews. 205:35-44.
Vachula RS, Huang Y, Longo WM, Dee SG, Daniels WC, Russell JM.  2019.  Evidence of Ice Age humans in eastern Beringia suggests early migration to North America. Quaternary Science Reviews. 205:35-44.
Maio CV, Crowell AL, Sullivan RM, Buzard RM, Whitley MA, Bogardus RC, de Wit CW.  2019.  Examining Coastal Dynamics and Archaeological Site Evidence at a Drowned Cirque Basin Influenced by Earthquakes and Little Ice Age Glaciation. Journal of Coastal Research. 35(4):814.
Gold RD, DuRoss CB, Delano JE, Jibson RW, Briggs RW, Mahan SA, Williams RA, D. Corbett R.  2019.  Four Major Holocene Earthquakes on the Reelfoot Fault Recorded by Sackungen in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124(3):3105-3126.
Gold RD, DuRoss CB, Delano JE, Jibson RW, Briggs RW, Mahan SA, Williams RA, D. Corbett R.  2019.  Four Major Holocene Earthquakes on the Reelfoot Fault Recorded by Sackungen in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 124(3):3105-3126.
Andrews AH, DeMartini EE, Brodziak J, Nichols RS, Humphreys RL.  2019.  Growth and longevity of Hawaiian grouper (Hyporthodus quernus) — input for management and conservation of a large, slow-growing grouper. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76(10):1874-1884.
Curtin L, D'Andrea WJ, Balascio N, Pugsley G, de Wet G, Bradley R.  2019.  Holocene and Last Interglacial climate of the Faroe Islands from sedimentary plant wax hydrogen and carbon isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 223:105930.
Curtin L, D'Andrea WJ, Balascio N, Pugsley G, de Wet G, Bradley R.  2019.  Holocene and Last Interglacial climate of the Faroe Islands from sedimentary plant wax hydrogen and carbon isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 223:105930.
Hall B.L., Lowell T.V., Bromley G.R.M., Denton G.H., Putnam A.E..  2019.  Holocene glacier fluctuations on the northern flank of Cordillera Darwin, southernmost South America. Quaternary Science Reviews. 222:105904.
Wang Y, Das O, Xu X, Liu J, Jahan S, Means GH, Donoghue J, Jiang S.  2019.  Implications of radiocarbon ages of organic and inorganic carbon in coastal lakes in Florida for establishing a reliable chronology for sediment-based paleoclimate reconstructionAbstract. Quaternary Research. 91(2):638-649.
Wang Y, Das O, Xu X, Liu J, Jahan S, Means GH, Donoghue J, Jiang S.  2019.  Implications of radiocarbon ages of organic and inorganic carbon in coastal lakes in Florida for establishing a reliable chronology for sediment-based paleoclimate reconstructionAbstract. Quaternary Research. 91(2):638-649.
Wallace E.J, Donnelly J.P, Hengstum P.J, Wiman C., Sullivan R.M, Winkler T.S, d'Entremont N.E, Toomey M., Albury N..  2019.  Intense Hurricane Activity Over the Past 1500 Years at South Andros Island, The Bahamas. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 34(11):1761-1783.
Wallace E.J, Donnelly J.P, Hengstum P.J, Wiman C., Sullivan R.M, Winkler T.S, d'Entremont N.E, Toomey M., Albury N..  2019.  Intense Hurricane Activity Over the Past 1500 Years at South Andros Island, The Bahamas. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. 34(11):1761-1783.
Toomey M, Cantwell M, Colman S, Cronin T, Donnelly J, Giosan L, Heil C, Korty R, Marot M, Willard D.  2019.  The Mighty Susquehanna—Extreme Floods in Eastern North America During the Past Two Millennia. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(6):3398-3407.
Hemingway JD, Rothman DH, Grant KE, Rosengard SZ, Eglinton TI, Derry LA, Galy VV.  2019.  Mineral protection regulates long-term global preservation of natural organic carbon. Nature. 570(7760):228-231.
