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Patrut A, Garnaud ébastien, Ka O, Patrut RT, Diagne T, Lowy DA, Forizs E, Bodis ő, von Reden KF.  2017.  African Baobabs with a Very Large Number of Stems and False Stems: Radiocarbon Investigation of the Baobab of Warang. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 62(1):111-120.
Tesi T, Geibel MC, Pearce C, Panova E, Vonk JE, Karlsson E, Salvado JA, Kruså M, Broder L, Humborg C et al..  2017.  Carbon geochemistry of plankton-dominated samples in the Laptev and East Siberian shelves: contrasts in suspended particle composition. Ocean Science. 13(5):735-748.
Bitinas A, žeika J, Buynevich IV, šytė A, Molodkov A, ė A.  2017.  Coastal Research LibraryCoastline Changes of the Baltic Sea from South to EastConstraints of Radiocarbon Dating in Southeastern Baltic Lagoons: Assessing the Vital Effects. Coastline Changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East. :137-171.
Kemp AC, Horton BP, Nikitina D, Vane CH, Potapova M, Weber-Bruya E, Culver SJ, Repkina T, Hill DF.  2017.  The distribution and utility of sea-level indicators in Eurasian sub-Arctic salt marshes (White Sea, Russia). Boreas. 46(3):562-584.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Hall G, Ratiu I-A, von Reden KF.  2017.  Final Radiocarbon Investigation of Platland Tree, the Biggest African Baobab. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia. 62(2):347-354.
Patrut A, Woodborne S, von Reden KF, Hall G, Patrut RT, Rakosy L, Danthu P, Pock-Tsy J-MLeong, Lowy DA, Margineanu D.  2017.  The Growth Stop Phenomenon Of Baobabs (Adansonia Spp.) Identified By Radiocarbon DatingAbstract. Radiocarbon. 59504754164661(02):435-448.
Mil-Homens M, Vale C, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Raimundo J, Anes B, Schmidt S, Caetano M.  2017.  Insights of Pb isotopic signature into the historical evolution and sources of Pb contamination in a sediment core of the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 586:473-484.
Mil-Homens ário, Vale C, Brito P, Naughton F, Drago T, Raimundo J, Anes árbara, Schmidt S, Caetano M.  2017.  Insights of Pb isotopic signature into the historical evolution and sources of Pb contamination in a sediment core of the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 586:473-484.
Tesi T., Asioli A., Minisini D., Maselli V., G. Valle D, Gamberi F., Langone L., Cattaneo A., Montagna P., Trincardi F..  2017.  Large-scale response of the Eastern Mediterranean thermohaline circulation to African monsoon intensification during sapropel S1 formation. Quaternary Science Reviews. 159:139-154.
Vasilenko YP, Gorbarenko SA, Bosin AA, Shi X-fa, Chen M-T, Zou J-jun, Liu Y-guang, Artemova AV, Yanchenko EA, Savenko MP.  2017.  Millennial mode of variability of sea ice conditions in the Okhotsk Sea during the last glaciation (MIS 4–MIS 2). Quaternary International. 459:187-200.
Smyth MP, Dunning NP, Weaver EM, van Beynen P, Zapata DOrtegón.  2017.  The perfect storm: climate change and ancient Maya response in the Puuc Hills region of YucatánAbstract. Antiquity. 91(356):490-509.
Kemp AC, Hill TD, Vane CH, Cahill N, Orton PM, Talke SA, Parnell AC, Sanborn K, Hartig EK.  2017.  Relative sea-level trends in New York City during the past 1500 years. The Holocene. 27(8):1169-1186.
Radloff KA, Zheng Y, Stute M, Weinman B, Bostick B, Mihajlov I, Bounds M, Rahman M.M, Huq M.R, Ahmed KM et al..  2017.  Reversible adsorption and flushing of arsenic in a shallow, Holocene aquifer of Bangladesh. Applied Geochemistry. 77:142-157.
Vetter L, Rosenheim BE, Fernandez A, Tornqvist TE.  2017.  Short organic carbon turnover time and narrow C-14 age spectra in early Holocene wetland paleosols. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS. 18:142-155.
Loomis SE, Russell JM, Verschuren D, Morrill C, De Cort G, Damsté JSSinning, Olago D, Eggermont H, F. Street-Perrott A, Kelly MA.  2017.  The tropical lapse rate steepened during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances. 3(1):e1600815.
Kemp AC, Wright AJ, Barnett RL, Hawkes AD, Charman DJ, Sameshima C, King AN, Mooney HC, Edwards RJ, Horton BP et al..  2017.  Utility of salt-marsh foraminifera, testate amoebae and bulk-sediment δ13C values as sea-level indicators in Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Micropaleontology. 130:43-59.
Patrut A, Patrut RT, Danthu P, Pock-Tsy J-MLeong, Rakosy L, Lowy DA, von Reden KF.  2016.  AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Large Za Baobabs (Adansonia za) of Madagascar.. PLoS One. 11(1):e0146977.
Vonk JE, Dickens AF, Giosan L, Hussain ZA, Kim B, Zipper SC, Holmes RM, Montluçon DB, Galy V, Eglinton TI.  2016.  Arctic Deltaic Lake Sediments As Recorders of Fluvial Organic Matter Deposition. 4:77.
Winkler TS, van Hengstum PJ, Horgan MC, Donnelly JP, Reibenspies JH.  2016.  Detrital cave sediments record Late Quaternary hydrologic and climatic variability in northwestern Florida, USA. Sedimentary Geology. 335:51-65.
Mil-Homens M, Vale C, Naughton F, Brito P, Drago T, Anes B, Raimundo J, Schmidt S, Caetano M.  2016.  Footprint of roman and modern mining activities in a sediment core from the southwestern Iberian Atlantic shelf. Science of The Total Environment. 571:1211-1221.
van Hengstum PJ, Donnelly JP, Fall PL, Toomey MR, Albury NA, Kakuk B.  2016.  The intertropical convergence zone modulates intense hurricane strikes on the western North Atlantic margin. Scientific Reports. 6(1)
Van Daele M, Bertrand S, Meyer I, Moernaut J, Vandoorne W, Siani G, Tanghe N, Ghazoui Z, Pino M, Urrutia R et al..  2016.  Late Quaternary evolution of Lago Castor (Chile, 45.6°S): Timing of the deglaciation in northern Patagonia and evolution of the southern westerlies during the last 17 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews. 133:130-146.
Van Daele M, Bertrand S, Meyer I, Moernaut J, Vandoorne W, Siani G, Tanghe N, Ghazoui Z, Pino M, Urrutia R et al..  2016.  Late Quaternary evolution of Lago Castor (Chile, 45.6°S): Timing of the deglaciation in northern Patagonia and evolution of the southern westerlies during the last 17 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews. 133:130-146.
Anthony KWalter, Daanen R, Anthony P, von Deimling TSchneider, Ping C-L, Chanton JP, Grosse G.  2016.  Methane emissions proportional to permafrost carbon thawed in Arctic lakes since the 1950s. Nature Geoscience. 9:679-682.
Carbonara K, Mezgec K, Varagona G, Musco MElena, Lucchi RGiulia, Villa G, Morigi C, Melis R, Caffau M.  2016.  Palaeoclimatic changes in Kveithola, Svalbard, during the Late Pleistocene deglaciation and Holocene: Evidences from microfossil and sedimentary records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 463:136-149.
