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Axford Y, Levy LB, Kelly MA, Francis DR, Hall BL, Langdon PG, Lowell TV.  2017.  Timing and magnitude of early to middle Holocene warming in East Greenland inferred from chironomids. Boreas. 4611126123715949514747452279282108875423653331285492025312166523481473253855431029263383391243655482254028102024461441564827316(4):678-687.
Loomis SE, Russell JM, Verschuren D, Morrill C, De Cort G, Damsté JSSinning, Olago D, Eggermont H, F. Street-Perrott A, Kelly MA.  2017.  The tropical lapse rate steepened during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science Advances. 3(1):e1600815.