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Journal Article
Pearce C, Varhelyi A, Wastegård S, Muschitiello F, Barrientos N, O'Regan M, Cronin TM, Gemery L, Semiletov I, Backman J et al..  2017.  The 3.6 ka Aniakchak tephra in the Arctic Ocean: a constraint on the Holocene radiocarbon reservoir age in the Chukchi Sea. Climate of the Past. 13(4):303-316.
Poirier RK, Cronin TM, Jr WMBriggs, Lockwood R.  2012.  Central Arctic paleoceanography for the last 50 kyr based on ostracode faunal assemblages. Marine Micropaleontology. 88–89:65-76.
Rayburn JA, Cronin TM, Franzi DA, Knuepfer PLK, Willard DA.  2012.  Corrigendum to “Timing and duration of North American glacial lake discharges and the Younger Dryas climate reversal” [Quaternary Research 75 (2011) 541–551]. Quaternary Research. 77(1):214.
O'Regan M, Backman J, Barrientos N, Cronin TM, Gemery L, Kirchner N, Mayer LA, Nilsson J, Noormets R, Pearce C et al..  2017.  The De Long Trough: a newly discovered glacial trough on the East Siberian continental margin. Climate of the Past. 13(9):1269-1284.
Cronin TM, O'Regan M, Pearce C, Gemery L, Toomey M, Semiletov I, Jakobsson M.  2017.  Deglacial sea level history of the East Siberian Sea and Chukchi Sea margins. Climate of the Past. 13(9):1097-1110.
Seidenstein JL, Cronin TM, Gemery L, Keigwin LD, Pearce C, Jakobsson M, Coxall HK, Wei EA, Driscoll NW.  2018.  Late Holocene paleoceanography in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Arctic Ocean, based on benthic foraminifera and ostracodes. arktos. 4(1)
Ivanova EV, Murdmaa IO, Karpuk MS, Schornikov EI, Marret F, Cronin TM, Buynevich IV, Platonova EA.  2012.  Paleoenvironmental changes on the northeastern and southwestern Black Sea shelves during the Holocene. Quaternary International. 261:91-104.
Martens J, Wild B, Pearce C, Tesi T, Andersson A, Broder L, O’Regan M, Jakobsson M, Sköld M, Gemery L et al..  2018.  Remobilization of old permafrost carbon to Chukchi Sea sediments during the end of the last deglaciation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
Cronin TM, N. Edgar T, Brooks G, Hastings D, Larson R, Hine A, Locker S, Suthard B, Flower B, Hollander D et al..  2007.  Sea level rise in Tampa Bay. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 88(10):117-118.
Rayburn JA, Cronin TM, Franzi DA, Knuepfer PLK, Willard DA.  2011.  Timing and duration of North American glacial lake discharges and the Younger Dryas climate reversal. Quaternary Research. 75(3):541-551.